Papers and theses
Lua has been used in academic research as well as in industrial products.
Here is an incomplete list of academic publications related to Lua.
If you want to include your work here,
please contact us or post an announcement to the
mailing list.
Interview about Lua,
by R. Ierusalimschy and L. H. de Figueiredo.
Masterminds of Programming: Conversations with the Creators of Major Programming Languages,
edited by Federico Biancuzzi and Shane Warden,
O'Reilly, 2009, pages 161–176.
Binding C/C objects to Lua,
by W. Celes, L. H. de Figueiredo, R. Ierusalimschy.
In Game Programming Gems 6,
Mike Dickheiser (ed),
Charles River Media, 2006,
pages 341–355.
Programming advance control mechanisms with Lua coroutines,
by L. H. de Figueiredo, W. Celes, R. Ierusalimschy.
In Game Programming Gems 6,
Mike Dickheiser (ed),
Charles River Media, 2006,
pages 357–369.
Automated testing for a CORBA-based distributed system,
by R. Cerqueira and R. Ierusalimschy.
Extreme Programming Examined,
Giancarlo Succi and Michele Marchesi (eds.),
Addison-Wesley, 2001,
pages 379–396.
A text pattern-matching tool based on parsing expression grammars,
by R. Ierusalimschy.
Software: Practice & Experience
39 #3 (2009) 221–258.
Revisiting coroutines,
by A. L. Moura and R. Ierusalimschy.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 31 #2 (2009) 6.1–6.31.
Exploring Lua for concurrent programming,
by A. Skyrme, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Journal of Universal Computer Science 14 #21 (2008) 3556–3572.
Eliminating cycles in weak tables,
by A. Barros and R. Ierusalimschy.
Journal of Universal Computer Science 14 #21 (2008) 3481–3497.
C APIs in extension and extensible languages,
by H. Muhammad and R. Ierusalimschy.
Journal of Universal Computer Science 13 #6 (2007) 839–853.
RE-AspectLua - achieving reuse in AspectLua,
by T. Batista and M. Vieira.
Journal of Universal Computer Science 13 #6 (2007) 786–805.
AspectLua - A Dynamic AOP Approach,
by T. Batista and M. Vieira.
Journal of Universal Computer Science 11 #7 (2005) 1177–1197.
The implementation of Lua 5.0,
by R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo, and W. Celes.
Journal of Universal Computer Science 11 #7 (2005) 1159–1176.
Running Lua scripts on the CLR through bytecode translation,
by F. Mascarenhas and R. Ierusalimschy.
Journal of Universal Computer Science 11 #7 (2005) 1275–1290.
Coroutines in Lua,
by A. L. de Moura, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Journal of Universal Computer Science 10 #7 (2004) 910–925.
LuaInterface: scripting .NET CLR with Lua,
by F. Mascarenhas and R. Ierusalimschy.
Journal of Universal Computer Science 10 #7 (2004) 892–909.
Processing sequence annotation data using the Lua programming language,
by Yutaka Ueno, Masanori Arita, Toshitaka Kumagai, and Kiyoshi Asai.
Genome Informatics 14 (2003) 154–163.
LuaTS: a reactive event-driven tuple space,
by M. A. Leal, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Journal of Universal Computer Science 9 #8 (2003) 730–744.
ALua: flexibility for parallel programming,
by C. Ururahy, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Computer Languages 28 #2 (2002) 155–180.
Building flexible and extensible Web applications with Lua,
by A. Hester, R. Borges, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Journal of Universal Computer Science 4 #9 (1998) 748–762.
A semiotic framework for multi-user interfaces,
by R. O. Prates, C. S. de Souza, A. C. B. Garcia.
ACM SIGCHI Bulletin 29 #2 (1997) 28–39.
Lua: an extensible extension language,
by R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo, and W. Celes.
Software: Practice & Experience 26 #6 (1996) 635–652.
Dynamic interpretation for dynamic scripting languages,
by K. Williams, J. McCandless, and D. Gregg.
Proceedings of Code Generation and Optimization (2010).
ContextLua - Dynamic behavioral variations in computer games,
by B. Hosain Wasty, A. Semmo, M. Appeltauer, B. Steinert and R. Hirschfeld.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Context-oriented
Programming (COP) 2010, co-located with ECOOP 2010.
Programming with multiple paradigms in Lua,
by R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming
(2009) 5–13.
LuaGravity, a reactive language based on implicit invocation,
by F. Sant'Anna and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of the XIII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages
(2009) 89–102.
A parsing machine for PEGs,
by S. Medeiros and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of the 2008 Dynamic Languages Symposium
(2008) 1–12.
Efficient compilation of Lua for the CLR,
by F. Mascarenhas and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
(2008) 217–221.
Eliminating cycles in weak tables,
by A. Barros and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of XII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages
(2008) 61–74.
Exploring Lua for concurrent programming,
by A. Skyrme, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of XII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages
(2008) 117–128.
C APIs in extension and extensible languages,
by H. Muhammad and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of XI Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages
The evolution of Lua,
by R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo, and W. Celes.
Proceedings of
(2007) 2-1–2-26.
The implementation of Lua 5.0,
by R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo, and W. Celes.
Proceedings of IX Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages
(2005) 63–75.
Coroutines in Lua,
by A. L. de Moura, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of VIII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages
LuaInterface: Scripting the .NET CLR with Lua,
by F. Mascarenhas and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of VIII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages
A high-level abstraction for graphics hardware programming,
by D. Tuler and W. Celes.
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2002,
pages 306–312,
IEEE Computer Press.
Dynamic support for distributed auto-adaptive applications,
by A. L. de Moura, C. Ururahy, R. Cerqueira, and N. Rodriguez.
Proceedings of AOPDCS - Workshop on Aspect Oriented
Programming for Distributed Computing Systems
(held in conjunction with IEEE ICDCS 2002),
Vienna, Austria, July 2002, pages 451–456.
An event-driven system for distributed multimedia applications,
by A. L. Pfeifer, C. Ururahy, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of DEBS'02 - International Workshop on
Distributed Event-Based Systems
(held in conjunction with IEEE ICDCS 2002),
Vienna, Austria, July 2002, pages 583–584.
Event-driven programming for distributed multimedia applications,
by A. L. Pfeifer, C. Ururahy, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of SBRC'02 - 20th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks,
B�zios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2002, pages 539–553.
Fatigue crack propagation under complex loading in arbitrary 2D geometries,
by Miranda, A.; Meggiolaro, M.; Martha, L.; Castro, L.; and Bittencourt, T.
Applications of Automation Technology in Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Analysis, Fourth Volume, ASTM STP 1411,
A. A. Braun, P. C. McKeighan, A. M. Nicolson, and R. D. Lohr (eds.),
American Society for Testing and Materials, USA, 2001.
The evolution of an extension language: a history of Lua,
by R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo, and W. Celes.
Proceedings of V Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages
(2001) B-14–B-28.
Multiple display viewing architecture for virtual environments over
heterogeneous networks,
by A. Ferreira, R. Cerqueira, W. Celes, and M. Gattass.
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 1999,
pages 83–92,
IEEE Computer Press.
Dynamic extension of CORBA servers,
by M. C. Martins, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of Euro-Par'99 Parallel Processing,
Toulouse, France, 1999,
Springer-Verlag, (LNCS 1685) pages 1369–1376.
ALua: an event-driven communication mechanism for parallel
and distributed programming,
by C. Ururahy and N. Rodriguez.
Proceedings of ISCA 12th International Conference on Parallel
and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS-99),
Fort Lauderdale, USA, August 1999, pages 108–113.
Dynamic reconfiguration of CORBA-based applications,
by N. Rodriguez and R. Ierusalimschy.
Proceedings of SOFSEM'99: 26th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics,
Milovy, Czech Republic, 1999.
Springer-Verlag, (LNCS 1725) pages 95–111.
Dynamic configuration with CORBA components,
by N. Rodriguez, R. Ierusalimschy, and R. Cerqueira.
Proceedings of 4th International Conference on
Configurable Distributed Systems (ICCDS'98), Annapolis, MA, 1998. IEEE.
Act: an easy-to-use and dynamically extensible 3D graphics library,
by W. Celes and J. Corson-Rikert.
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 1997,
pages 26–33,
IEEE Computer Press.
CGILua: A multi-paradigmatic tool for creating dynamic WWW pages,
by A. M. Hester, R. Borges, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Anais do XI Simp�sio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 1997.
Binding an interpreted language to CORBA,
by R. Cerqueira, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Anais do II Simp�sio Brasileiro de Linguagens de Programa��o,
pages 23–36, Campinas, Belo Horizonte, 1997.
The use of interpreted languages for implementing parallel algorithms
on distributed systems,
by N. Rodriguez, C. Ururahy, R. Ierusalimschy, and R. Cerqueira.
Proceedings of Euro-Par'96 Parallel Processing,
Lyon, France, August 1996,
Springer-Verlag, (LNCS 1123) pages 597–600, Volume I.
Um sistema de depura��o reflexivo para uma linguagem de extens�o,
by T. G. Gorham and R. Ierusalimschy.
Anais do I Simp�sio Brasileiro de Linguagens de Programa��o,
pages 103–114, Belo Horizonte, 1996.
IG: um sistema de constru��es geom�tricas com v�nculos.
by S. K. Goldenstein, P. C. P. Carvalho, and L. H. de Figueiredo.
Anais do VIII Simp�sio Brasileiro de Computa��o Gr�fica e Processamento de Imagens,
pages 311–312, S�o Carlos, 1995.
PREGO: Um editor de objetos gr�ficos procedurais,
N. A. Rezende, W. Celes Filho, M. Gattass, and E. E. R. Russo.
Anais do VIII Simp�sio Brasileiro de Computa��o Gr�fica e Processamento de Imagens,
pages 309–310, S�o Carlos, 1995.
Tche: a visual environment for the Lua language,
by A. Carregal and R. Ierusalimschy.
Anais do VIII Simp�sio Brasileiro de Computa��o Gr�fica e Processamento de Imagens,
pages 227–232, S�o Carlos, 1995.
EDG: uma ferramenta para cria��o de interfaces gr�ficas interativas,
by W. Celes Filho, L. H. de Figueiredo, and M. Gattass.
Anais do VIII Simp�sio Brasileiro de Computa��o Gr�fica e Processamento de Imagens,
pages 241–248, S�o Carlos, 1995.
Uma experi�ncia em programa��o distribu�da dirigida por eventos,
by R. Cerqueira, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
PANEL95 - XXI Confer�ncia Latino Americana de Inform�tica,
pages 225–236, 1995.
Uma arquitetura para configura��o de modeladores geom�tricos:
aplica��o a mec�nica computacional,
by M. T. de Carvalho and L. F. Martha.
PANEL95 - XXI Confer�ncia Latino Americana de Inform�tica,
pages 123–134, 1995.
The design and implementation of a language for extending applications,
by L. H. de Figueiredo, R. Ierusalimschy, and W. Celes.
Proceedings of XXI Brazilian Seminar on Software and Hardware (1994) 273–283.
Dynamic support for nonfunctional requirements in distributed applications,
by A. L. de Moura, C. Ururahy, R. Cerqueira, and N. Rodriguez.
Technical Report MCC34/01,
Department of Computer Science,
PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2001.
ALua : an event-driven communication mechanism for parallel and
distributed programming,
by C. Ururahy, N. Rodriguez, and R. Ierusalimschy.
Technical Report MCC30/00,
Department of Computer Science,
PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2000.
The use of interpreted languages for implementing parallel algorithms
on distributed systems,
by N. Rodriguez, C. Ururahy, R. Ierusalimschy, and R. Cerqueira.
Technical Report MCC13/96,
Department of Computer Science,
PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 1996.
Optimized compilation of a dynamic language to a managed runtime environment,
by Fabio Mascarenhas,
Ph.D. thesis,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Sep 2009.
Nested-CA: a foundation for multiscale modeling of land use and land change,
by Tiago Garcia de Senna Carneiro,
Ph.D. thesis,
May 2006.
Revisitando co-rotinas,
by Ana L�cia de Moura.
Ph.D. thesis,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Sep 2004.
Um modelo de programa��o dual para aplica��es geograficamente distribu�das,
by Cristina Ururahy da Fontoura Cerqueira.
Ph.D. thesis,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Sep 2003.
Distribui��o de carga de sistemas web controlada por ferramentas de constru��o de p�ginas din�micas,
by Carlos Roberto Serra Pinto Cassino.
Ph.D. thesis,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Dec 2000.
Um modelo de composi��o din�mica entre sistemas de componentes de software,
by Renato Cerqueira.
Ph.D. thesis,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Aug 2000.
Ambiente para o desenvolvimento de sistemas CAD integrado em edifica��es de a�o,
by Nick Lehtola.
Ph.D. thesis,
Department of Civil Engineering, PUC-Rio,
Apr 1996.
Modelagem configur�vel de subdivis�es planares hier�rquicas,
by Waldemar Celes Filho.
Ph.D. thesis,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Jul 1995.
Uma estrat�gia para o desenvolvimento de aplica��es configur�veis em mec�nica,
by Marcelo T�lio Monteiro de Carvalho.
Ph.D. thesis,
Department of Civil Engineering, PUC-Rio,
Jun 1995.
A synchronous reactive language based on implicit invocation,
by Francisco Sant'Anna.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Mar 2009.
Finalizadores e ciclos em tabelas fracas,
by Alexandra Barros.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Apr 2007.
Estudo sobre APIs de linguagens de script,
by Hisham Muhammad.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Aug 2006.
[english translation]
Plattformabh�ngige Eliminierung gemeinsamer Teilausdr�cke auf Quellcode-Ebene,
by Michael Vogt.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science 12, University Dortmund,
Sep 2004.
Integra��o entre a linguagem Lua e o Common Language Runtime,
by Fabio Mascarenhas.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Mar 2004.
Uma abstra��o de alto n�vel para programa��o do processador gr�fico,
by Danilo Tuler de Oliveira.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Sep 2002.
Um ambiente de suporte � adapta��o din�mica de aplica��es distribu�das,
by Ana L�cia de Moura.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Sep 2000.
DLua: uma ferramenta para desenvolvimento de aplica��es distribu�das,
by Carlos Augusto Teixeira Mendes.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Nov 1999.
A ferramenta CGILua em m�ltiplas APIs com o servidor HTTP,
by Anna Magdalena Hester.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Jul 1999.
Um ambiente para o suporte ao projeto e implementa��o de sistemas de informa��o baseados na WWW,
by Isabela Cordeiro Ribeiro Moura.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Jun 1999.
Agentes Lua: um mecanismo de comunica��o em Lua,
by Cristina Ururahy.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Sep 1998.
Um sistema integrado configur�vel para
simula��es em mec�nica computacional,
by William Wagner Matos Lira.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Civil Engineering, PUC-Rio,
Apr 1998.
LuaMan: uma plataforma para desenvolvimento de aplica��es de gerenciamento extens�veis,
by Michele Mara de Ara�jo Esp�ndula Lima.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Jan 1998.
Ambiente para desenvolvimento de aplica��es web,
by Rita de Cassia Almeida Pontes.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Oct 1997.
Modelos de extens�o de agentes para gerenciamento de redes,
Paulo Henrique Mascarenhas Sant'Anna.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Apr 1997.
TkVIX: um toolkit para constru��o de interfaces gr�ficas em Lua,
by Andr� Oliveira Costa.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Apr 1997.
VIX: um framework para suporte a objetos visuais interativos,
by Andr� Luiz Soares Clinio dos Santos.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Nov 1996.
Uma ferramenta para programa��o liter�ria modular,
by Carlos Roberto Serra Pinto Cassino.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Aug 1996.
GLB: uma ferramenta para manipula��o de objetos gr�ficos procedurais,
by Neil Armstrong Rezende.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Mar 1996.
Um sistema de depura��o para a linguagem de extens�o Lua,
by Tomas Guisasola Gorham.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Mar 1996.
Um sistema de modelagem
bidimensional configur�vel para simula��o adaptativa em mec�nica computacional,
by Eduardo Setton Sampaio da Silveira.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Civil Engineering, PUC-Rio,
Aug 1995.
TCHE: Um ambiente visual Lua,
by Andr� Felipe Lessa Carregal.
M.Sc. dissertation,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Mar 1995.