Women, Stop Buying the  Entrepreneurship Lie

Women, Stop Buying the Entrepreneurship Lie

Women are being sold a lie about entrepreneurship. 

And we're buying it at almost twice the rate of men with a record-setting 1,821 businesses launched by women every day in 2018 and 1,817 last year, according to the 2019 State of Women-Owned Business Report.

The lie says that with enough motivation, the right networking group, and the perfect day planner you can build the company of your dreams. 

Girl group leaders, business coaches, and Instagram influencers post shareable memes with "Be your own boss!" "If you can dream it, you can do it!" and "Build your empire!"

And while there's nothing wrong with a moment of fleeting inspiration, does it really do anything to move the needle for women-owned business? Or, is it just spreading a dangerous and expensive lie?

Do I think women should be brave, believe in themselves, and start businesses? Hell yes, I do.

But, I also believe in wearing my seatbelt, using sunscreen, having flood insurance, and if I ever jump out of an airplane I sure as shit will have a parachute strapped to my back.

Entrepreneurship takes bravery, the ability to operate in the unknown, unwavering belief in your product or service, and even more belief in yourself.

But it also takes a ton of strategic vision, financial forecasting, effectively managing people, knowing how and when to scale and cut-back, how to compete, and many skills most of us aren't naturally born with.

The truth is that entrepreneurship is an amazing catalyst for what women want most: personal fulfillment, financial stability, and time freedom.

But a struggling business can steal your joy, damage your finances, strain relationships, and rob you of your self-worth. Will you learn something, of course! But at what cost? And what if you didn't have to fail?!

We tell a young girl, "You can be anything you want to be!"

And when she falls in love with the game of tennis and wants to go pro we don't send her to the tennis court and tell her to hit as many balls as she can and wait until an agent comes by.

No, we put her on a team, we get her a coach, and we surround her with the people and resources she needs to be successful.

Entrepreneurship is the greatest gift I've ever given myself. I'm 100% financially independent, I own my own home, I have zero credit card debt, drive my dream car, and I'm the best mom I can be.

But I didn't build my company at happy hours, reading business books, or attending expensive conferences.

I did it by being vulnerable to other successful business owners-- by asking for advice, for connections, for referrals, and for help. I did it by learning about proven business models, mining for my blind spots, and being brutally honest about the fact that I don't have all of the skills and knowledge I need, but I learn.

So, what's the message? Women should stop starting businesses? Absolutely not.

But let's tell the truth about entrepreneurship. And let's prepare women to run sustainable, profitable businesses ... not "build empires."

Melissa Barker is the Founder of Women Entrepreneurs Inc. A membership platform that meaningfully connects women entrepreneurs and teaches the skills most critical to running a business.

Now in Charleston and the Upstate South Carolina. Arriving in Charlotte Raleigh North Carolina, Sep 2019 >

Wendy Kam Marcy

Google Ads & Analytics (day job) | Psychology & Neuroscience (grad school)


Thank you Melissa for writing this! Finally an article not filled with fist bump emojis, rainbow unicorns and #yougotthisgirlboss hashtags! You took the exact words from my mouth. I've seen friends and colleagues quit their jobs, hire coaches or invested in expensive online courses/conferences but couldn't ride out the first year lows of entrepreneurship and ended up with anxiety/depression. I'm going to share this because there is so much truth in your article and I especially love your last sentence. :) 

Kara Smith Brown

CEO | CRO | Advisor | B2B Lead Gen Demand Gen


I don't understand this post at all, and frankly, I'm offended. What does this have to do with being a woman (versus a man) in business? Why shouldn't women want to build an empire? @Melissa Barker, if you really believe, "The truth is, running a business is extremely difficult. And running a struggling business is downright miserable." Then maybe you shouldn't be an entrepreneur. And that's Ok - but I am building an #empire and I will bring any woman along who wants to join me. 

Sharing this with my network of Female Founders!

Daniela Fonseca

Office Administrator - BT Warranty & Triage Centre


Straight to the point

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