Trolleybus Library: Melody Rising from the Old Power Center

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While surfing the internet, I came across a small event to be held in a library. I thought it was a good opportunity to see a new place and decided to go there.

The Trolleybus library was in an easily accessible place in Istanbul, so it was not difficult to get there.

Also, the name Trolleybus was the first thing that caught my attention and I did some research.

A few short information about trolleybuses

“Trolleybuses are electric buses that get their power from two cables in a power line that usually hangs along the road.”

These buses came to Istanbul in 1961 and were removed from Istanbul in 1984 after 23 years of work. One of the reasons for this was the frequent power cuts.

In addition, these buses consisted of vehicles listed from 1 to 100. This new Trolleybus, named “Tosun”, produced by Turkish workers with their efforts, has been included in other vehicles with door number 101.

Trolleybuses in Istanbul

So Why is This Library Called Trolleybus?

The place where this library used to be was built as the powerhouse of Trolleybuses. However, with the disappearance of the trolleybuses, the building, which was empty for a while, started to be used as a library in 2022.

In short, the name Trolleybus has a history.

The Way to the Library

A goal becomes a pleasant goal when we enjoy its path.

So on the way to the library, there were a few buildings that I liked. I would like to share your photos too.

Buildings in Istanbul
Buildings in Istanbul

I arrived at the library

Outside view of the library

I walked up the wooden stairs of the library to the upper floor. There were a few tables and I switched to one and started studying for the exams. As a student, we can’t do without studying for exams :))

Top view inside the library

Classical breezes were played at the event. I stopped for a while and listened to the music that surrounded the whole building.

A scene from the activity

Thank you for reading. You can share your idea or anything you want to add :))

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