Top 5 Takeaways from Careem's AI Journey With Chief of Staff, AI and Innovation, Ceren Gokoglu

Top 5 Takeaways from Careem's AI Journey With Chief of Staff, AI and Innovation, Ceren Gokoglu

In a revealing and special audio episode of the "Groundbreakers" podcast, Ceren Gokoglu, Chief of Staff, AI and Innovation at Careem, shared profound insights on integrating AI into business practices and fostering an innovation-driven culture. Here are the top five learnings from our conversation that businesses and AI founders can apply to their own practices. You can also hear out the entire episode here!

Identify Core Challenges Before Implementing AI

Ceren emphasized the importance of identifying 'burning platforms' or core challenges within a business before looking to AI as a solution. This strategic approach ensures that AI initiatives are tailored to specific needs rather than being applied indiscriminately. For Careem, this means focusing on areas like customer experience, operational efficiency, and sustainable growth.

AI Adoption is Not Without its Pitfalls

Despite the potential of AI, Ceren pointed out that a significant number of AI initiatives fail. The success of such projects often hinges on clear ROI, comprehensive understanding of technology, and a supportive culture. Companies need to adopt a selective and focused approach to AI, ensuring each project aligns well with the broader business objectives and user needs.

Foster an AI-Savvy Culture Across All Departments

A critical factor in successful AI integration is cultivating an AI-savvy culture throughout the organization, not just within tech teams. Careem encourages an environment where every employee, from HR to finance, understands and engages with AI technologies. This inclusive approach not only democratizes AI understanding but also ensures its benefits are maximized across the enterprise.

Align AI Strategies with Long-Term Sustainability Goals

Ceren highlighted how AI can play a crucial role in advancing sustainability. At Careem, AI is used to optimize routes and integrate electric vehicles, reducing environmental impact while improving service efficiency. Businesses should look at AI not just as a tool for immediate benefits but as a means to achieve long-term sustainability objectives.

Prepare for a Continuous Learning Curve

Integrating AI into a business is not a one-off project but a continuous journey of learning and adaptation. Ceren advises companies to be patient and committed to ongoing education and iteration. This involves regular training programs, like Careem's AI Championship Program, which equips employees with up-to-date AI skills and encourages a culture of continual improvement.


Ceren Gokoglu's insights provide a valuable roadmap for businesses looking to leverage AI effectively. The key takeaway is that AI should be approached with a clear strategy, a focus on cultural integration, and an eye toward long-term benefits. As companies navigate their AI journeys, the principles shared by Ceren can help steer them towards meaningful and sustainable innovation.

Full Episode is available on our Youtube Channel

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