Time for quality & experience to triumph over cost?

Time for quality & experience to triumph over cost?

I have spent pretty much my entire career in the travel industry starting in leisure with Thomas Cook moving to corporate travel with Amex and now with CTI, sprinkled with a long spell spent at airlines, such as British Airways & Etihad. I have been extremely fortunate to have worked for some outstanding brands throughout my career with quality, experience and professionalism being the recurring theme for every brand I have worked for. Of course the world of travel has changed immeasurably, mostly for the better, in the 30 odd years since I began my career but I feel saddened that the romance and excitement has been overridden by the need to deliver to seemingly lower costs at every opportunity.

I am lucky enough to soon be heading off on a Celebrity Cruise, a brand & product I have used before, one that I like and one that offers a quality of product that suits me as an individual. Clearly they are not the most expensive of cruise lines but equally they are not the cheapest either . Which is why it puzzles me that the documentation I have just received, shown in the photo, is a self print out of my itinerary and worse still an origami baggage label for me to fold, create and staple around my suitcase. How much is having self documentation really saving on the price of my cruise and what longer term brand impact will it leave me with? I remember the days when receiving the tickets before a holiday was very much part of the experience, it meant the holiday was almost here and it was time to let the excitement begin. It didn't matter if it was a shiny cardboard Instasun wallet or a Rankin Kuhn leather bound example, for the recipient it marked the start of the holiday.

If it is really too expensive to produce such documents I am equally puzzled why companies don't offer "proper" pre trip documentation as an ancillary option? It could offer the company a little extra margin, I would willingly pay an additional £20 to get a beautifully presented ticket wallet posted to my home, and offer the client the choice to build the overall experience.

Of course Its not just the cruise companies choosing this route, pretty much the whole industry offers the paperless & soulless, pre trip documentation. Yet I want the excitement, I want the memories and I want to feel valued at every touch point. Travel, whether for pleasure or business is a privilege, its exciting and its an experience, so why not make pre trip documentation real again, after all retro is all the rage?

Quality & experience over cost? Absolutely yes in my opinion or am I just reinforcing my dinosaur status?

David Henry

VP Marketing @ EF Academy | Non Exec Board Advisor


Clive Wratten You are right, travel businesses are missing a trick, anticipation is a hugely important part of travel marketing. How we look forward to a trip can be enhanced by departure kits hugely and the company rewarded by loyalty and advocacy by its customers. Happy to share some great examples with you for inspiration.

Tracy Ellen Benton

Key Account Manager Outbound Leisure Sales


Totally agree

Kingsley Taylor

Executive Coach, Mentor, HR and Leadership Development, Personal Impact for Influence expert, Charity CEO


Funnily enough my parents ( who have travelled nine times with Celebrity ) made exactly the same point , no chocolate mints, sale away from port , and a couple of receptions where they had a free drink, and noticeable erosion in quality of artists ,and a number of small issues have added up to erosion of their love ( I don't use the word lightly ) of the brand .

Nigel Fell

President & CEO - The World Tourism Association for Culture and Heritage


Cruising isn't a cheap holiday having just booked my parents on a 14 night trip with RCL and I wonder what documentation they'll receive. When I started out in my travel career I remember collecting leather cabin bags from airline offices for my clients flying in First and Business class. I still have a buzz of excitement when arriving at an airport to fly off somewhere but more and more feel like I'm treated like a commodity not a valued customer. From BA making you queue in "groups" depending on how important you are to having to print out your own cruise paper luggage tags. My training at Qantas still rings in my ears "remember you're selling a dream and every client and every journey is special." Bring back the good old days......

John McEwan

Chairman Advisory Board at Travel Ledger


Well said Clive. I too cruise on Celebrity and don’t like the DIY approach to printing off your itinerary and luggage labels.


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