Talent Attraction vs Talent Recruiting

Talent Attraction vs Talent Recruiting

Q: How are Global Brands Winning their War for Talent?

 A: There are 5 Strategic Shifts Top Global Brands are Using to Attract High Performing Talent.

Q: Why Have They Made a Major Shift from RECRUITING Talent to ATTRACTING Talent?

A: High Performers are Rarely Attracted to Traditional Recruiting Methods Because They are Not Looking for a J-O-B.

  • 75% of job seekers consider a company’s reputation before applying with them.
  • 91% of job seekers say their perception of an employer is damaged by a poorly managed or designed online presence.
  • 78% of candidates say their overall candidate experience is an indicator of how a company values its people.
  • 92% of workers would consider leaving their current job if offered a position with a company with an excellent corporate reputation.

Q: What is the difference Between RECRUITING Talent and ATTRACTING Talent?

A: HUGE difference. And it looks like this:

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  • Recruiting with “Post and Pray” (Post a job; Pray someone applies)
  • Candidates convinced to consider the company and job
  • Recruiting standards based on minimum qualifications
  • Salaries increased to compete for new hires
  • More benefits and perks increase total labor costs
  • Starting bonuses paid if needed to fill jobs
  • Time wasted filtering through many unqualified applicants
  • Great candidates disengage during the process
  • More time wasted managing “no shows”
  • Expensive agency placement fees increase costs
  • Disengaged employee turnover takes time and resources
  • Hire the wrong person just to fill the job
  • Deal with team impacts from hiring the wrong person
  • Job descriptions support terminations and UI claims
  • Drive recruiting with metrics focused on productivity
  • Recruiting is a job – not a mission
  • Recruiters lack belief in the company – and it shows
  • Increased stress on leadership levels to deal with issues
  • Leaders lose the capacity to serve to their full potential
  • The work environment creates perpetuating struggles

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  •  High performing applicants compete for opportunities
  • Reputation and messaging attract amazing candidates
  • Candidates are highly qualified and a great cultural fit
  • Wages are competitive and sometimes below the mean
  • Candidates motivated by “more than a paycheck”
  • High performing candidates offer significantly greater value
  • Highly qualified applicants “up the bar” for all candidates
  • Candidates demonstrate high levels of engagement
  • Applicants are committed to the process
  • Percent-of-salary fees not needed to support recruiting
  • High performers who are a great cultural fit “stick”
  • High volume of applicants enables true rating and ranking
  • Supervisors have bandwidth for higher value tasks
  • Job duties alone replaced by inspiring position profiles
  • Enterprise impact is the goal – not “speed-to-fill”
  • Recruiters are passionate about their work
  • Recruiters believe in both your mission and leadership
  • Leaders have high levels of confidence in their teams
  • Leaders lose the capacity to serve to their full potential
  • The work environment creates self-sustaining success

Meanwhile at the Top 10% of Organizations…

There are five strategic shifts which are now the heart of a strategy being used by the major brands currently winning at ATTRACTING TALENT.

These strategic shifts are still remarkably unused by the vast majority of organizations, making them extremely powerful and effective to attract top talent, keep teams highly engaged and grow profitability.

Discover the 5 Strategic Shifts Top Global Brands are Using to Attract High Performing Talent
(And how you can use them to attract Fortune 500 talent even if you're not a Fortune 500 company!)

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What is Covered and What You Will Learn…

  •  The 5 Strategic Shifts the Top 10% of Brands are using to become an Employer of Choice and how they are using Talent Attraction strategies – NOT Traditional Recruiting – to consistently attract high performing talent who are the right cultural fit.
  • Why Traditional Recruiting tactics are the MOST EXPENSIVE ways to recruit top talent – and the 3 unconventional strategies to dramatically reduce recruiting labor costs and agency placement fees.
  • The astonishing 2-step approach to attract only motivated, engaged, high performing candidates who want to come to work for more than a paycheck – without adding starting bonuses, higher salaries or additional benefits.
  • How to create high levels of commitment and connection with top candidates from the very beginning – even though it is the opposite of what 90% of companies are doing.
  • AND how to accomplish all of this – even if your organization has struggled with attracting candidates and recruiting talent in the past.


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