Social media needs to tell the truth about success, in my opinion.

So, there is a certain kind of post on social media I really dislike.

In my opinion ("IMO"), it's possibly designed to generate clicks perhaps by way of a lack of complete information, or maybe even misinformation. 

Recently, I saw IMO maybe one such post on social media about Ed Sheeran and (my paraphrase based on my recollection, not alleging any facts, all my personal opinion.) how he sacrificed so much (which I don't doubt at all) and was living lean, and perhaps but for one person giving him a break and his never giving up and self belief, maybe he wouldn't have made it.

I remember after seeing this post thinking, what is the message here? Is the message that If you believe in yourself and "bet the farm" on whatever your passion in life is at the time you too might be a superstar, if you don't listen to any doubters and just get a lucky break?

If that was the message, It's a nice idea, one that surely will attract many clicks and views, as it is the kind of thing that people WANT to believe and buy into.

Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of the Ed Sheeran story, the real full story. I have no doubt Ed had to overcome many things, struggled a lot, etc. However, as this video above shows, Ed had BOATLOADS of incredible natural talent that was very evident to professionals at a young age, and Ed was in no way undiscovered, he just wasn't a superstar and rich yet. 

  • Truth IMO: it takes most superstars and/or self-made financially wealthy people a huge amount of work and a long time to become an "overnight" success.
  • Truth IMO: Ed Sheeran has more talent for singing and songwriting than most people could ever dream of, no matter how hard they work.
  • Truth IMO: Ed Sheeran isn't a superstar IMO because he got a lucky break. He is a superstar because he is super talented and worked extremely hard for a long time to improve that talent.
  • Truth IMO: if you want to be super successful IMO there is no quick-fix. Find what you are good or great at, and what there is a market in, and #lovehardwork.

See, those IMO are truths that should be told. However, they may not generate viral posts or as many clicks as a message that might have the impression of possibly "winning the lottery" if you just "go all in" and don't listen to the "haters."

I am all for going for your dreams, but doing so in a rational and realistic way, and understanding and telling the truth about what it really takes to succeed at the highest levels.

Social media, and particularly LinkedIn are incredibly powerful tools with a global reach that can positively impact people's lives, and educate them to improve themselves and become very successful. However, that can only be done to the fullest potential IMO if the full honest truth is told about how to be successful.

Let me know if you agree, and what your thoughts and success stories are. What did it take for you to become successful?




Note/disclaimer: all of the above is my personal opinion only and based on my recollection and paraphrase of something I saw. I am not alleging any facts or casting any aspersions. This is all for entertainment purposes only. Please do your own research and diligence.

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