Reduce CO2 emissions

                      Reduce CO2 emissions

By sajad jasm muhammed, Basra University Oil & Gas

Introduction: Global warming

Carbon dioxide from burning fuels causes global warming, a process capable of changing the world’s climate significantly. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen at a higher rate since the 19th century. As you can see from the graphs , the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased steadily over the past 150 years, and so has the average global temperature. Some of this is due to human activity. Along with other gases such as methane and water vapour, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. It absorbs heat energy and prevents it escaping from the Earth’s surface into space. The greater the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the more heat energy is absorbed and the hotter the Earth becomes.        

 Results of global warming

A rise of just a few degrees in world temperatures will have a dramatic impact on the climate:

  • global weather patterns will change, causing drought in some places and flooding in others.
  • polar ice caps will melt, raising sea levels and causing increased coastal erosion and flooding of low-lying land – including land where major cities lie

Now, the important question How can reduce CO2 emissions  from oil fields & other industrial that’s produce global warming?

Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2 EOR).

The simple definition for CO2  EOR is by injected CO2 in reservoir to increase the production.CO2  EOR occurs after all possible oil is pumped out of the ground using traditional methods. Primary and secondary steps in the extraction of oil include the traditional methods while the tertiary step by CO2  EOR.

CO2 EOR has direct environmental benefit. Greatly expanding CO2 EOR will require approximately 20 billion metric tons of CO2 . While continued use naturally occurring CO2  is critical to current development since it represent more than 90% of  the CO2 that is available, large volumes of commercially available CO2 captured from industrial and power plant sources have the potential to produce billions of additional barrels of trapped oil and age. Captured CO2 also has the added environmental benefit of not being released into the atmosphere. Beside that also you find economic benefit from CO2 EOR , An analysis commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) projects potential oil resources recoverable with CO2 EOR of up to 137 billion barrels, with 67 billion barrels economically recoverable at a price of $85 a barrel. This represents more than three times the current U.S. proven reserves.

Carbon Capture and Storage, the collection of CO2 from industrial sources and its injection underground, could contribute significantly to reductions in atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases. Possible sites for injection include coalbeds, deep saline aquifers, and depleted oil and gas reservoirs. Although aquifers have the greatest storage potential, injecting CO2 into depleted oil and gas reservoirs can provide additional hydrocarbon production and improved storage security.



2.      CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute for 21st Century Energy | U.S. Chamber of Commerce

3.      Design of Carbon Dioxide Storage in Oilfields    Ran Qi, Tara C. LaForce and Martin J. Blunt, SPE, Imperial College London

4.      Summary of Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2EOR) Injection Well Technology


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