Recruiting and Attraction Trends in 2017

Recruiting and Attraction Trends in 2017

The improving global economy has translated into increased job openings linked to the decrease in unemployment the competition for talent will be a battlefield for their attention. The market is becoming more and more candidate driven so how do we as recruiters act and how does the companies differentiate themselves and attract?

In 2017 the hiring volume is predicted to increase and recruiters need to look at how to automate processes to reduce time to hire. 

Companies on the other hand need to make themselves even more attractive and unique in the market. How do they accomplish that without it becoming one big advertisement for the Promised Land but actually make sure there are content, stimulation and purpose for the candidates.

How do they accomplish that without it becoming one big advertisement for the Promised Land but actually make sure there are content, stimulation and purpose for the candidates.


Recruiting Trends 2017


Talent is the number one priority in the organization

Talent is quite simply helping define the future of the company.

Increased hiring

Competition for talent will become even tougher as a large percentage of talent acquisition leaders say their hiring volume will increase in 2017.

Employer branding focuses on culture and career growth

80% of leaders acknowledge that employer branding has a significant impact on their ability to hire talent. And they wish they could invest more in this area.

Workplace diversity

67% of job seekers use diversity as a key factor when considering job offers.

57% of recruiters say their strategies are designed to attract diverse candidates

Mobile recruiting

72% of candidates have visited a company’s mobile career site

45% of candidates have applied to a job via mobile

AI for recruiting

AI is designed to automate some parts of the recruiting workflow. AI is now impacting the interviewing, screening and sourcing process. AI is only on the verge of its full use and I’m looking forward to seeing how it’ll impact our business.

Talent rediscovery

Talent rediscovery is a game-changing recruiting trend.

This is the ability to automatically screen candidates who applied for previous roles at your company and match them to current open positions.

Employee referrals

Employee referral programs are increasing and in my previous jobs. I’ve also lead the implementation of such programs. The benefit is that they’re faster to hire said to perform better, and stay longer in the company.

How do you then attract the sought after talent?

Now we’ve dug into the recruiting trends for 2017. Next is to look at how you as a company can differentiate yourself and grab the talents.

Candidates have revealed in LinkedIn’s Global Recruiting Trends 2017 that their interest is piqued when companies talk about company culture, career growth, and challenges.

Tell your story

Company culture messaging continues to be crucial when you want to stand out and attract talent. Tell your story; make candidates relate to who you are, what your mission is and how they can see themselves in your culture and environment. In my experience people thrive when there’s match between company and personal values and as little compromising as possible.

Invest in their career growth

Candidates look at how accepting a job with you can impact their career and possibility for advancement. Can the job stimulate them intellectually and financially and for how long? Do they see themselves as long term contributors and can they evolve professionally and personally with you and your company?

This is a crucial reminder that attracting the right talent for the job is not only about finding the right competency match, but more than ever about matching expectations. Do you as the company consider it a long-term employment? My experience tells me that most companies would like new hires to stay on as long as possible. Then it is definitely a great idea matching those expectations as honestly as possible. Already when recruiting; be frank about the job content and start the dialogue about creating a career growth plan.

Involve them in your challenges

Make your business purpose and challenges known to your employees. Candidates and employees engage when they can see the purpose and the higher meaning with their contribution. We as humans feel valued when we can contribute. Make sure there’s a link between the overall business strategy and the daily purpose of your employees. 

Summing up the recruiting and attracting trends for 2017. The coming year and years will experience increased hiring volume combined with a decrease in unemployment. The competition for talent will naturally increase. In order to answer the market’s hiring needs recruiters need to automate their processes as much as possible using AI, mobile recruiting and rediscovery of talent among others.

Companies competing for the same sought after talent should focus even more on employer branding, tell your stories, invest in your employees and make it known to your candidates e.g. how you retain through career growth.

Last but not least give them purpose, involve them in your strategy making and engage them by making their personal purpose linked to your company's strategy.

If you would like to learn more about how to attract and retain talent, feel free to contact us.

BJERREGAARD recruiting & consulting is an experienced partner within recruiting and leadership consulting. With an HR leadership background and specialty in recruiting and career coaching BJERREGAARD can advice you in your attracting, hiring and retaining talent.

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