The One Question That Gave Me Peace As a Female Field Engineer In A Male-dominated Environment.
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The One Question That Gave Me Peace As a Female Field Engineer In A Male-dominated Environment.

I started the first five years of my career as a field engineer working onshore and offshore. While this is still a male-dominated industry and environment, working as the only woman among hundreds of men in remote locations where the infrastructure was not designed (This is getting better as more women take on these jobs) with a female in mind was my dream job.

Back then, I recall having my colleagues stand in front of the bathroom, not allowing anyone to enter as I refreshed myself. I also remember being told a women's place was in the kitchen when sent as a cell leader with a team.

I also recall a random person come into my room at 2 am pretending to have brought me breakfast. Yes, I know you wonder why I could not lock my room. Cabins are not supposed to be key-locked for safety, so you won't have to struggle to open the door when in panic mode in case of an emergency.

While I can relate things some people threw at me that could have impacted my life negatively for hours, the only thing that I remember is that I enjoyed every day I spent working on those rigs, and it did not bother me to spend Christmas there.

I also met authorities who went above and beyond to make me feel safe and valued as I confidently performed my job. However, one question helped me gain the respect I deserved from those who attempted to harass me.

"What is the most important thing for you now? Your job or your family?"

This question made those who attempted to harass me rethink their motive before anything got relayed to HR, which gave me peace of mind and redirected us to the professional mindset we were to have and serve the client as intended.

Even though I had no issues standing my ground and set boundaries, there are still many women and men out there who struggle to say No to the things they do not want in their lives, and they end up quitting the job they loved or settling for less than they deserved.

When you love something, you find ways to make it work and be fulfilled as you sail through storms, and this includes your career.

It is never too late to set healthy boundaries and get the help you need to navigate through fulfilling positions in your career. If this article resonates with you and you feel it is time to get help, reach out and let's chat

Gurv Kaur Executive Leadership Coach (PCC, MBA)

Certified professional coach specializing in career growth and developing leaders. I work with wide variety of leaders in global organizations achieving goals that enhance their leadership performance and impact.


Very inspiring Horia Patience Prossaird , Petrophysicist, CPC, ELI-MP! Definitely when you love something, you make it work !

Betty Kempa, CPC, ELI-MP

Business Coach for Coaches | Business Consultant | Marketing Strategist | Forbes Coaches Council | Cancer Survivor 💪 | Helping corporate renegades ditch the 9-5 & repackage their genius into a 6-figure coaching business


Powerful story AND powerful question to ask oneself Horia Patience Prossaird , Petrophysicist, CPC, ELI-MP! Thanks so much for sharing!

Dawn Poteau, PCC, PMP, SHRM-SCP

Executive Coach | Inspiring Leaders to Get Out of Their 🧠Heads and Into the❣️Hearts of Their Teams🧑🏻🤝🧑🏿


Thanks for sharing your story with is Horia Patience Prossaird , Petrophysicist, CPC, ELI-MP

Brian White, PCC, SHRM-SCP

I empower leaders to excel in their careers, unlock their earning potential & achieve professional success | Career & Executive Coach | Business Consultant | SHRM & ICF Certified | Over 25 yrs exp. with 1k clients hired


You have a powerful story to tell. Thank you for your courage in helping others find wisdom!

Andrew Gil

ADHD Coach || REI || Entrepreneur


Your perspective on a fulfilling career sounds like it will help you serve your clients well. I hope they continue to make changes to be more inclusive of all people in these environments.

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