A New Era of Sustainability: Global South's Green Pharma Revolution.
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A New Era of Sustainability: Global South's Green Pharma Revolution.

The world is currently facing an unprecedented global health crisis, with the COVID-19 pandemic causing significant damage to people's lives and livelihoods. In the midst of this crisis, there is a growing recognition of the importance of sustainable development and the need to build more resilient and Eco-sensitive healthcare systems.

As we enter a new era of sustainability, the Global South is leading the charge with their Green Pharma Revolution, innovating eco-friendly solutions for the pharmaceutical industry that prioritize the health of both people and the planet for one earth, one family and one global future.

India leading the way with the global south G20 India with its rich tradition of ancient medicine which has long been at the forefront of the green healthcare revolution. India at G20 India Presidency with the global south nations, shoulder to shoulder is calling for all Eco-sensitive pharmaceutical companies around the globe to join hands in the Green Pharma revolution and make sustainability a top priority in the development and manufacturing of drugs for one sustainable healthcare.

India has already taken self-sustainable and self-sufficient step towards the green revolution aims to promote the use of Eco-friendly practices and technologies in the pharmaceutical industry, including the use of renewable energy, green chemistry and sustainable manufacturing processes. Practising agroforestry and regeneration and preservation of high potent medicinals plants and functional mushrooms to support and create ecosystem to prepare for the upcoming health crisis challenges.

Slow but steady.

With advanced technology and experts in life sciences and medical research, nations around the world are well-equipped to overcome health crises such as mental disorders and cancer. The Green Pharma industry will serve as a strong benchmark in this regard, allowing us to sustain raw materials through preservation and regeneration. Our goal is to provide equal opportunity and save human lives, and we invite the global community to join us in achieving this purpose of serving the greater goods of serving lives. By sharing our ancient practices, we can reduce the global carbon footprint, minimize waste, and protect the environment while still providing high-quality healthcare solutions for all. The industry will receive the necessary and sustainable support to prepare for upcoming pandemics and secure the well-being of future generations, as we take care of each other as a global family with ecology supporting the global economy.

A call for eco-sensitive pharmaceuticals to join the green pharma revolution. The thirst for knowledge and innovation is what propels us forward towards achieving freedom. And in this case, that freedom is from health illnesses. By constantly seeking to learn and innovate, we create a benchmark for progress that helps us push past the limitations of the past. So let's keep pushing forward, driven by the spirit of learning, and let's work towards a world where everyone can experience the freedom that comes from good health.

Medical experts through the knowledge of life sciences using the traditional ancient system of Bharatiya medicine of our nation India with the global south of G20 India . Ethical approaches of regeneration and preservation will re-shape and together build a sustainable Green Pharmaceuticals through the gateway of Green Pharma revolution.

This will be achieved through the gateway of the Green Pharma collaboration with the spirit of learning and sharing as one global family, as we work together to reshape the industry. India G20 India with the global south invite openly to learn and grow to sustain the precise balance of economy with ecology.

Our nation India has already taken significant steps towards promoting the Green Pharma revolution and focusing on regenerating and preserving the Traditional Ancient System of Bharatiya Medicine followed by the Ayurvedic process of lifestyle. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has mandated the implementation of a "Green Pharma" policy in all pharmaceutical manufacturing units across the country. The policies with the satisfying technology driven by precise solutions requires global advance companies to take measures to reduce developing nations environmental impact, including the installation of effluent treatment plants and the use of renewable energy sources. Sharing the new ways of improvement under each other wisdom will not only sustain the lives of millions but also speed up the foundation and gives a pathway for a self-start to every nation and the global citizens to overcome the global health pandemics together, one for all, all for one.

India, as a part of the G20 India, is calling upon nations worldwide to recognize the potential of combining advanced medical life sciences with traditional medicine of the indigenous communities and societies across globe. Through this collaboration, precise and powerful solutions can be developed to address pressing healthcare challenges. This is a global call for action and an invitation for all nations to join in this effort.

A new call with new hopes and harmony for eco-sensitive pharmaceuticals around the globe to join the Green Pharma Revolution, a precise process of overcoming the global health crisis with the support of medical experts, researches and life sciences who are the real back-bone to save humanity and serve the people as one family with love and ray of hope for a new beginning of a new life.

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest contributors to global carbon emissions, and the use of non-biodegradable plastics and other unsustainable practices in drug manufacturing is causing significant harm to the environment which is a threatening call for One Earth survival.

A Call for Eco-Sensitive Pharmaceuticals to Join the Green Pharma Revolution

An ethical opportunity for the Pharmaceutical companies around the globe to res-shape the healthcare system for one global family while sustaining the economy as well as ecology for the future generation's survival. Giving the world an opportunity to reduce their environmental impact and also contribute to building more resilient healthcare systems that can withstand future crises. Eco-friendly drug development and manufacturing practices can also lead to more cost-effective solutions, making healthcare more accessible to everyone creating a global economy and providing a better life to each and everyone.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the interconnectedness of our world and the importance of global cooperation in addressing global challenges. As the world faces the dual crises of health and climate change, it is essential that we come together as one family for one sustainable earth. Time is the most important commodity. Humanity seeks answers for global wisdom.

The Green Pharma revolution is an excellent opportunity for eco-sensitive pharmaceuticals to be at the forefront of this global wisdom. By adopting sustainable practices and working towards a more eco-friendly future, these companies can help build a healthier, more sustainable world for all.

As the world grapples with a health crisis, it has become clear that the pharmaceutical industry must prioritize eco-sensitivity in its operations. This is where the Green Pharma revolution comes in. The revolution aims to transform the pharmaceutical industry to become more sustainable, reduce its environmental impact, and promote the development of more eco-friendly products.

The call for Eco-sensitive pharmaceuticals to join India's Green Pharma revolution with the other G20 India nations with your expertise in life sciences and technology with the medical experts, the ray of hope who can re-shape the healthcare system for global health wisdom and has the ability and capability to serve the higher purpose of humanity as one global family. We invite you to take the step towards building a more sustainable healthcare system for generations survival with peace.

The pharmaceutical industry with the medical industry experts plays a vital role in providing healthcare solutions to people all around the world.

The India with the global south has again extended an open invitation to the pharmaceuticals to join the Green Pharma revolution and work towards a more sustainable future.

The Green Pharma revolution is a movement that seeks to promote sustainable practices and technologies in the pharmaceutical industry. This includes the use of renewable energy, sustainable manufacturing processes, and green chemistry. By sharing these practices, pharmaceutical companies can reduce their environmental impact and contribute to the global effort to build a more sustainable future.

The global south is leading the way in this movement. Many countries in the global south have a rich tradition of herbal and natural medicine, which provides an excellent foundation for the development of sustainable healthcare solutions. Furthermore, these countries are often more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation. Therefore, they have a particular interest in promoting sustainable practices in all sectors, including the pharmaceutical industry.

By joining the Green Pharma revolution, pharmaceutical companies can not only reduce their environmental impact but also contribute to building a more resilient and sustainable healthcare system for the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of having resilient healthcare systems that can respond to crises quickly and effectively. Sustainable practices can help achieve this goal while also contributing to the fight against climate change and environmental degradation.

India extends an invitation to everyone to serve humanity with the spirit of solidarity - one for all and all for one. In this pursuit, nothing can be placed above humanity. India at G20 India Presidency under our Excellency Shri. Narendra Modi of Republic of India.

The integration of traditional knowledge from the global south into the life science and medical fields has the potential to contribute to the Green Pharma Revolution. Traditional knowledge, often passed down through generations, encompasses a wealth of knowledge about the uses of natural resources for medicinal purposes. By incorporating this knowledge into the development of pharmaceuticals, the use of synthetic chemicals and environmentally damaging practices could be reduced and bring into a stage of sustainability.

The integration of traditional knowledge into modern medical research will lead to the discovery of new treatments and therapies for various illnesses and diseases. This could potentially improve health outcomes for global citizens around the world, particularly in areas where traditional medicine is the primary form of healthcare and will provide a strong foundation to overcome the health crisis challenges that lies ahead.

Traditional knowledge, passed down through generations of indigenous peoples, has been a source of guidance and understanding of the natural world for thousands of years. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the potential of traditional knowledge to inform modern science and medicine. However, it is essential to approach the incorporation of traditional knowledge with caution and respect to ensure that it is used ethically and appropriately.

One of the most important considerations when working with traditional knowledge is to build trust and respect with the communities and knowledge holders from which it comes. Indigenous peoples have historically been subject to exploitation and mistreatment, often having their knowledge appropriated without acknowledgement or compensation. Therefore, it is essential to work closely with these communities and knowledge holders to ensure that their knowledge is being used in a respectful and equitable way.

Partnerships with Indigenous peoples must be formed with the understanding that their knowledge is not just a source of information, but a part of their cultural heritage. It is vital to listen to their stories, to understand the significance of their practices and to acknowledge the spiritual and cultural context in which their knowledge has been developed.

Incorporating traditional knowledge into modern science and medicine also requires rigorous scientific testing to ensure the safety and efficacy of any pharmaceutical products derived from traditional knowledge. This testing must be done with respect to the cultural context and sensitivity to the indigenous peoples' values, practices, and beliefs.

When working with traditional knowledge, it is also essential to recognize the potential power imbalances and cultural biases that can exist in the scientific community. Indigenous peoples may have different ways of knowing and understanding the natural world, which may not align with Western scientific paradigms. Therefore, a collaborative and inclusive approach is necessary to ensure that traditional knowledge is valued and integrated in a way that is respectful of diverse cultural perspectives.

Incorporating traditional knowledge can provide valuable insights into the natural world and benefit modern science and medicine. However, it must be approached with caution and respect, recognizing the cultural context from which it comes and working closely with communities and knowledge holders. It is also essential to recognize the need for rigorous scientific testing to ensure the safety and efficacy of any products derived from traditional knowledge. By doing so, we can build partnerships based on trust and mutual respect that will lead to the development of effective and equitable solutions that benefit everyone.

Green Pharma, also known as eco-pharmaceuticals, are drugs that are designed to minimize their impact on the environment. They are produced using sustainable methods, and are often made from natural, plant and mushroom based sources.

Medical science is a vital field that plays a significant role in improving human life. It involves research, experimentation, and innovation that aim to enhance healthcare delivery, find cures for diseases, and improve the quality of life for patients.

The medical field is constantly evolving, and this evolution has resulted in remarkable advancements over the years. Medical researchers are continually discovering new treatments, developing new drugs, and advancing surgical techniques to provide better healthcare services to patients. However, these advancements come with challenges, such as the need to find effective and sustainable solutions that are ecologically preserved and economically feasible.

The medical world's responsibility is to find innovative solutions that can address these challenges while improving healthcare services. It is essential to consider the ecological impact of medical research and development, including the disposal of waste, the use of hazardous materials, and the impact on biodiversity. A sustainable approach to medical research and development will not only preserve the environment but also promote economic growth and aim to find solutions that are economically feasible, and healthcare services should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their economic status or geopolitical differences.

Access to affordable healthcare is a basic human right that everyone should have. Medical professionals, researchers, and life sciences experts have a critical role in creating cost-effective solutions that provide quality healthcare services to people. Overcoming the challenge of providing accessible healthcare to all necessitates collaboration across different fields and sectors.

The increasing prevalence of pandemics makes access to affordable healthcare one of the most significant challenges we will face in the future. However, working together as a united family can help us overcome this hurdle.

Despite advances in medical technology and healthcare delivery systems, many people around the world, particularly those in developing countries, still lack access to affordable healthcare. This basic human right is also becoming an issue in developed nations.

To address this challenge, India and the G20 are urging medical professionals, researchers, and life sciences experts to collaborate across different fields and sectors. Their objective is to identify areas of need, develop innovative solutions, and make them accessible to those who require them.

It is crucial to recognize the significance of developing affordable healthcare solutions that cater to the needs of the global healthcare system. Understanding the cultural, social, traditional, and economic factors that influence access to healthcare is essential in overcoming health challenges.

The Green Pharma Revolution of the global south has invited countries worldwide to create new cost-effective and user-friendly medical technologies and treatments. This will necessitate collaboration between medical professionals, researchers, and life sciences experts.

Uttarakhand, located in northern India, is also advocating for participation in this healthcare revolution. Their goal is to create healthcare systems that are accessible and deliver precise, promising outcomes. Achieving this requires investing in research and development, infrastructure, healthcare worker training, and community-based healthcare programs tailored to the specific requirements.

There are several ways were nations can act and behave responsibly as one global family to find precise solutions and to promote affordable and accessible healthcare system around the globe. These include investing in research and development of new treatments and technologies that can lower healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes, advocating for policies that prioritize healthcare access and affordability, and developing public-private partnerships that can help bring down the cost of healthcare services and we global south standing with open invitation to have one sustainable future of health and wellness.

It is imperative to prioritize healthcare access and affordability to fulfill our duty to serve human life and ensure the survival of humanity.

The medical field's ultimate goal should be to create a foundation of global wisdom, where innovative solutions are sustainable, economically feasible, and ecologically preserved. This foundation will ensure that the medical world continues to evolve, providing better healthcare services to patients while preserving the environment.

The medical field is crucial to the advancement of human life. Creating a foundation of global wisdom that will ensure the medical world's continued evolution through sustainable approaches.

The benefits of Green Pharma are manifold. Not only does they reduce the carbon footprint of the pharmaceutical industry, but they also provide a healthier and safer option for patients. Unlike traditional pharmaceuticals, which are often made using harsh chemicals and synthetic compounds, Green Pharma drugs are made from natural ingredients that are less likely to cause harmful side effects.

The Green Pharma Revolution of the global south invite the global nations to be the part in research and development to create Eco-friendly drugs.

We the Global South have unique geographical advantages as it is home to many natural resources that can be used to produce Green Pharma drugs. For example, plants, mushrooms and herbs found in the regions of Uttarakhand in India, can be used to create natural remedies that are both effective and Eco-friendly.

The Green Pharma Revolution is a promising development for the Globe South region and together can contribute in a much faster balance of the global economy for all and prepare everyone for the health crisis that awaits to take its grip globally. By embracing sustainability and prioritizing the health and the environment, the Green Pharma is leading the way towards a brighter and more sustainable future for the pharmaceutical industry, an opportunity to work under the roof of learning.

The global south is home to a wealth of traditional knowledge related to medicine and healing. This knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation and is often based on the use of natural remedies and plant-functional mushrooms based medicines. As the world increasingly prioritizes sustainability and Eco-friendliness, this knowledge is becoming more valuable than ever before.

Medical experts and life science professionals are now recognizing the importance of integrating traditional knowledge into their work. By partnering with indigenous communities and learning from their experiences, these experts can develop new and innovative solutions that are both effective and sustainable.

The Green Pharma Revolution presents a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between traditional knowledge and modern medicine. By incorporating traditional knowledge into the development of eco-pharmaceuticals, experts can create drugs that are not only effective, but also respectful of cultural practices and environmental concerns.

Amidst a worldwide health emergency with no definitive and encouraging resolutions, the pharmaceutical sector strives to find a way to address the crisis while upholding the principles of ecological equilibrium with dignity and pride. Overindulgence in anything leads to devastation at all levels of life, be it local, national, or global.

The problem can be compounded by economic factors such as inequality and depletion of resources. Unsustainable growth, which is often the basis of the current economic system, is reliant on the exploitation of natural resources and contributes to further ecological degradation.

Addressing ecological and economic issues simultaneously is vital to establish a sustainable and just future. This may necessitate the implementation of policies to safeguard natural resources, reduce emissions, and transition towards a circular economy that emphasizes resource efficiency and sustainability.

The ecological crisis demands prompt action to avert irreparable harm to the environment and the economy. It is crucial to acknowledge the urgency of the situation and collaborate to identify solutions that serve both people and the planet.

The world has witnessed a growing concern over the impact of pharmaceuticals on the environment. The production of pharmaceuticals requires the use of large amounts of energy, water, and other resources, which leads to the release of harmful pollutants and greenhouse gases. This, in turn, contributes to the overall degradation of the environment and poses a significant threat to human health. However, amidst this concern, India has emerged as a hub of green pharma revolution, which offers an opportunity to the world to overcome the health crisis while sustaining the economy with ecology.

Uttarakhand residing in the heart of India, is a home of biodiversity and a vast repository of traditional knowledge of ancient medicine. Uttarakhand region is home to numerous rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, and has a rich history of utilizing natural plants for medicinal purposes. The traditional knowledge of our indigenous people of Uttarakhand has been passed down through generations, and has played a significant role in the development of Traditional Ancient System and knowledge of Bharatiya medicine followed by the Ayurveda way of lifestyle. Traditional ancient medicines relies on natural mushrooms, herbs and plants to treat various ailments, and has recently gained popularity as people seek more sustainable and natural alternatives to conventional medicine.

The traditional knowledge of our indigenous people of the Indian state Uttarakhand has been passed down through generations, and has played a significant role in the development of Traditional Ancient System of Bharatiya Medicine follwed by the Ayurveda way of lifestyle. Traditional ancient medicnes relies on natural mushrooms, herbs and plants to treat various ailments, and has recently gained popularity as people seek more sustainable and natural alternatives to conventional medicine.

India's Green Pharma revolution presents an opportunity to the world to overcome the health crisis while sustaining the economy with ecology. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for sustainable healthcare practices, and India's green Pharma industry offers a model for other countries to work as one family for one sustainable healthier future for all as one family.

Our Honorable Prime Minister of the Republic of India, Shri Narendra Modi, extends a cordial invitation, under the guidance of his esteemed office, to the global world, for a collaborative and sustainable vision towards the future of the global community. A sustainable ray of hope for sharing, extracting and learning the precise solutions of ecology regeneration and preservation for future generations survival while generating sustainable economy via sustainable ecology.

With knowledge be our foundation and dharma be our guiding light, as we strive for humanity on the global stage at G20 India

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