Mid-Year Risk Assessment Review and Update

Mid-Year Risk Assessment Review and Update

As we approach the mid-year mark, it's crucial for companies to review and update their risk assessments to ensure ongoing compliance and to address any new or evolving risks. This guide provides an overview of the steps a company should take to review and update their risk assessments and outlines the necessary forms of communication to ensure all stakeholders are informed and engaged.

1. Review Current Risk Frameworks and Compliance Requirements

Key Actions:

  • Assess Current Frameworks: Begin by reviewing the risk management frameworks your company is currently using, such as COSO, ISO 31000, NIST, or others specific to your industry.

  • Regulatory Changes: Identify any new regulations or changes to existing regulations that have come into effect since the beginning of the year. This might include updates from governmental bodies, industry standards organizations, or other regulatory entities.

  • Internal Changes: Consider any significant internal changes that have occurred, such as organizational restructuring, new business processes, mergers, or acquisitions.


  • Internal Memos: Distribute internal memos to relevant departments highlighting the need for a mid-year risk assessment review.

  • Team Meetings: Schedule meetings with compliance officers, risk managers, and department heads to discuss any regulatory changes and their implications.

2. Conduct a Thorough Risk Assessment

Key Actions:

  • Risk Identification: Re-evaluate the risks identified at the beginning of the year. Determine if there are any new risks or if the severity and likelihood of existing risks have changed.

  • Risk Analysis: Perform a detailed analysis of each risk, considering the current business environment. Use quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the potential impact and likelihood of each risk.

  • Risk Evaluation: Compare the results of the risk analysis against your company’s risk appetite and tolerance levels. Prioritize risks based on their potential impact on the organization.


  • Workshops: Organize workshops with key stakeholders to gather input on risk identification and analysis.

  • Reports: Prepare detailed risk assessment reports and distribute them to senior management and the board of directors for review.

3. Update Risk Mitigation Strategies

Key Actions:

  • Control Measures: Review the effectiveness of existing risk controls and mitigation strategies. Identify any gaps or areas for improvement.

  • Develop New Strategies: Develop new mitigation strategies for newly identified risks or for risks where current controls are insufficient.

  • Implementation Plan: Create an implementation plan for updating risk controls and mitigation measures, including timelines and responsible parties.


  • Implementation Briefings: Hold briefings with the teams responsible for implementing new or updated risk controls to ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities.

  • Training Sessions: Conduct training sessions for employees to ensure they are aware of and understand any new procedures or controls.

4. Monitor and Review

Key Actions:

  • Ongoing Monitoring: Establish a schedule for ongoing monitoring of risk controls and mitigation strategies. Use key risk indicators (KRIs) to track the effectiveness of these measures.

  • Periodic Reviews: Schedule periodic reviews of the risk assessment to ensure it remains current and relevant. This might include quarterly or semi-annual reviews, depending on the nature of your business and industry.


  • Status Updates: Provide regular status updates to senior management and the board on the progress of risk mitigation efforts and any emerging risks.

  • Stakeholder Meetings: Hold regular meetings with stakeholders to discuss the results of monitoring activities and to gather feedback on the effectiveness of risk controls.

5. Document and Report

Key Actions:

  • Documentation: Ensure all risk assessment activities, findings, and updates are thoroughly documented. This includes risk identification, analysis, evaluation, mitigation strategies, and monitoring activities.

  • Compliance Reporting: Prepare and submit any required compliance reports to regulatory bodies. Ensure that these reports are accurate and reflect the current risk landscape of the organization.


  • Compliance Reports: Distribute compliance reports to relevant regulatory bodies and keep copies for internal records.

  • Internal Documentation: Ensure that all documentation is easily accessible to internal auditors, compliance officers, and other stakeholders.


Conducting a mid-year risk assessment review and update is a critical task for maintaining compliance and managing risks effectively. By following these steps and ensuring clear communication throughout the process, companies can address new and evolving risks, improve their risk management practices, and ensure that all stakeholders are informed and engaged.

Effective risk management is an ongoing process, and regular reviews and updates are essential to adapting to changing circumstances and maintaining organizational resilience.

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