Make marketing matter: How to design a fantastic fundraising campaign

Make marketing matter: How to design a fantastic fundraising campaign

Giving is great.

Our ability to help other people, creatures, and organisations in their time of need is what helps to set us apart as beings capable of compassionate thought. The only problem is, charities and non-profit organisations often struggle to get their campaigns off the ground.

Just like a powerful business, a strong fundraising campaign needs creativity, inspiration, and focus to thrive. With a strategy in place, you can begin a targeted approach towards success, cultivating attention, engagement, and all-important action from your audience.

Though it's often tempting to believe that you can simply jump into a campaign spontaneously whenever an inspirational lightning bolt strikes, the truth is that any organisation - no matter it's background, needs guidance, research, and informed decision-making to succeed. That's why so many non-profit groups turn to Fabrik for help with their brand engagement plans.

Today, we're going to introduce you to the full value of a strategic fundraising campaign, and offer our own personal insight into how you can build a crusade that revitalises your charity and animates your audience.

Let's get to it.

Your fundraising campaign template

All non-profit organisations are different. That means that no two fundraising campaigns are going to be completely alike. However, there are guidelines in place that can help you to structure your marketing and branding efforts in the most effective way possible.

In a world where you're relying on the ongoing loyalty and affinity of your customers to survive, a fundraising campaign can help to keep you on the right track - delivering a consistent experience that resonates with your target audience.

To help get you started, here are just some of the key features that you'll need to include within any fundraising campaign (big or small):

1. A "case for support"

If you're new to the non-profit industry, then the easiest way to think of your case for support, is kind of like a brand manifesto. It's essentially your chance to outline how you're going to make a difference with your campaign. In your case for support, you need to highlight not just why you're doing what you're doing, but what you're hoping to accomplish, how you're going to reach your goals, and what tactics you have in mind to boost your online and offline presence.

2. Analysis and planning

Once you've got your case for support figured out, you'll need to start thinking about how you're going to fund your campaign. This means considering various financial sources, including trusts, foundations, private companies and local communities. Ideally, you'll need a mixed portfolio of contributors in mind, to ensure that you're not keeping all your eggs in one basket.

3. Structure

Your analysis and planning stages will give you a good idea of where you're going to begin marketing your non-profit organisation to the public. Now, you're going to have to figure out how you're going to earn their attention. This might involve working with a fundraising agency to help you reach out to multiple different people at once, or designing brochures that you can share with people who might be interested in your organisation.

4. Research

Research will always be important when it comes to building a powerful brand - no matter whether you're hoping to make a profit or not. The research stage of your campaign should include a close consideration of the people and companies who might be willing to support you. You'll also need to research different online and offline platforms to determine how you're going to reach your chosen audience.

5. Design your proposition

Finally, with a strong idea of what you want to do, who you want to do it with, and what the results might be, you'll be able to create a proposition that speaks to the interests and values of your target market. Remember, it's all about letting people know how their money will make an impact. Some trusts will ask you to do this through a written proposal, while the public might prefer a more creative demonstration.

How to engage your audience

An engaged audience is a powerful thing for any company to have, but it's particularly important for non-profit companies. If you want to thrive in your space, then you need to know how you can encourage your followers into action.

The good news, is that inspiring action often comes down to a few simple marketing techniques. For instance:

1. Make sure you use multiple channels

The best non-profit marketing campaigns are the ones that have volume. The easiest way to make yourself heard, is to ensure that you're speaking to your audience across a range of different channels, from blogs, to video marketing, podcasts, social media marketing, and more. Use traditional and digital media to introduce your audience to your unique voice in as many different places as possible.

2. Establish urgency

Non-profit companies are often plagued by people who simply think that they'll "come back later" or "donate later". Unfortunately, this means that many potential donations never actually happen. Sometimes, making your campaign shorter, and creating the concept of urgency, can help propel your customers into action a little faster - so you can reach your goals.

3. Remember to show and tell

One of the most important things that you can do in a non-profit fundraising campaign - is show your audience exactly what their money is going to accomplish. Your followers know that they're not going to get a product or service for their money - so let them see what they get instead. For instance, show them how five dollars gives fresh water to a family, or ten dollars can help to build a new community well.

4. Make engagement easy

Today, people are busy living frantic lives. Unfortunately, that means that they don't have time to fill out complicated forms, or move through countless pages just to donate. A simple way to enhance the potential of your fundraising campaign, is to make it as easy as possible for people to donate. Remember, that means that they should be able to donate from mobile devices too.

5. Be unique

Just like the business world, the non-profit market is saturated. Charitable organisations know that their group isn't the only one that deserves attention and donations. That means that if you want to achieve your goals, and accomplish incredible things, you need to show your audience exactly what makes you special.

Share videos of the things you've already done, pictures that highlight the power of your group, and case studies designed to connect with your followers on an emotional level. The stronger the relationships you build, the better.

Nailing your non-profit campaign

Achieving incredible things with your non-profit campaign can be a difficult process. Just like a business, you'll need to find your position in your market, discover your USP, and look for a reliable way to make your voice heard.

With the right fundraising campaign strategy, you can give yourself the best possible chance of success. Your strategy will act as a blueprint for your mission, mapping out the roads to your goals, and helping you to engage your audience with the same consistent personality every step of the way.

If you need a little help getting started, check out our guide to charity fundraising campaigns. Here, you'll learn plenty of amazing ways to engage your audience, uncover how to plan your own strategy from scratch, and even check out some of the most successful campaigns from charities all over the world.

Your charity could change the world, make sure you have a plan for success.

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