Make 2024 A Game-Changing Year With These New Upcoming Trends

Make 2024 A Game-Changing Year With These New Upcoming Trends

Hey, can we stop scrolling and talk about how wild 2023 was in the social media world? It was like a blockbuster movie. Where "Looking like a wow" became the trending catchphrase, Threads by Meta swooped in like a superhero, and Twitter went all mysterious with its transformation to X. Social media became a movie reel you couldn’t look away from!

It’s now time to wrap up 2023 and start prepping for the year ahead. This time it’s not just about getting a headstart, it's about being the trendsetter everyone talks about. And no, it's not some sneaky trick, it's way cooler than that.

So, here's the scoop for 2024. The upcoming trends that'll have your competitors scratching their heads. Get ready to own the scene and be the trendsetter the world needs!

1. Unmask the real you 

Authenticity in branding has been kinda hanging out in the shadows for a while. Brands are busy jumping on trendy bandwagons without a real purpose. But guess what? 2023 shook things up a bit. Some brands threw caution to the wind and showed off their personal sides with some seriously cool campaigns.

Take Mattel's Barbie campaign, for instance. It was like a nostalgia bomb that hit the jackpot. They nailed that classic Barbie vibe with engaging visuals and storytelling that were on point, and suddenly, Barbie was the talk of the global town again!

Selling a product or service is just not enough these days. When a brand shows its human side and becomes approachable, people start relating on a whole new level. And hey, with international brands stepping into the Indian market, every brand needs to ditch the old-school vibes and let their personality shine. It's the name of the game now!

2. Video content on the rise 

Yes, yes, yes, we know you must think this is a no-brainer and has been said time and again, so why are we saying it again?

Video content has become the real deal, with reels popping up everywhere on social media. Brands are all about those eye-catching clips to keep us glued to the screen. But hold up, it's not as simple as it sounds. To turn viewers into die-hard fans, you've gotta master the art of video marketing.

How can this be done? By crafting video campaigns that benefit you and the user. This important step could help you expand your business in the right direction. 

A. Give them a virtual demo - Show, don't just tell. Grab new customers' attention with demo videos. Videos that showcase your product/service and how it can help make the user’s life easier and better. 

B. Teaser Video -  Leave them wanting more every time. Whenever you’re planning for a new launch leave breadcrumbs. As in sneak peek teaser videos that highlight the product’s benefits or features that will pique your audience’s interest. 

C. Heart-to-Heart - To showcase the brand’s credibility and resonate with your audience’s taste. You can shoot a client-perspective Q&A video. To any of the customers who bought your product/service, you can have a conversation with them about their likes/dislikes, reason for choosing your product, the feature they liked most, how they use your product differently etc.  

Remember when Netflix was promoting "Wednesday"? They went all out with a YouTube video featuring a creepy robotic hand roaming the streets of New York and capturing the hilarious and entertaining reactions of the audience. The campaign got people hyped about the show. It wasn't just a promo, it was an experience for everyone captured in the campaign as well as the ones watching it. That's the kind of video magic that makes people want to hit play. 


3. Make some room for VR & AR Integration 

AI has been the hero ever since its introduction into the market, no doubt. But guess who's also stealing the spotlight? Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are the new kids on the block.

These buzzwords aren't just tech jargon, they're game-changers. AR and VR aren't just transforming social media, they're your ticket to levelling up your business.

Picture this, AR lets customers see your product in their own space, and VR takes it up a notch by letting them feel and experience it. It's like bringing a touch of magic to the whole shopping experience. And you know what that means? Happy customers and boosted buying decisions. If you want your brand to be the talk of the town, it's time to embrace this futuristic technology and amp up that customer experience.

Ever checked out IKEA’s Places app? It's AR wizardry that lets customers virtually place furniture in their homes before hitting that buy button. Now, tell us, what's cooler than that?

4. Social Commerce will remain on top 

Alright, let's spill the tea on Social Commerce. It's not going anywhere. You might think with all this digital buzz, it'd take a step back, but nope, it's here to stay. With everyone scrolling through social media, Social Commerce is in the spotlight, and it's gearing up for stardom. This could be the next big thing if we play our cards right.

Now, imagine you're a brand, itching to boost sales and get people talking about your social media shops. We all know there's something special about touching a product in-store, right? But wait, your brand can totally top that. Mix in expert videos, toss in some customer testimonials and sprinkle a 360-degree viewing experience for that virtual wow factor. Social commerce isn't just about buying stuff, it's about creating an experience.

Take Glossier, for example – the Vogue-approved "Beauty brand for the generation." They're not messing around with social commerce. They're hyping up their new goodies, getting real with user-generated content to build trust. And here's the genius move, they dropped an Instagram filter so people can try out their different lipstick shades to know which one is the perfect match for them. Social commerce if done right makes shopping a whole lot more fun!


5. Personalization will lead you to victory 

We're no longer living in the one-size-fits-all era anymore. These days, diversity and personalization are steering the ship and they're cruising at full speed. If you want your brand to not just survive but be adored by the masses, it's time to buckle up and get serious about personalization.

Let's get real, everyone loves feeling special and understood. No fancy marketing budget can beat that warm-fuzzy feeling if your brand doesn't connect with the audience, and understand their needs and desires.

Take a cue from Fenty Beauty by Rihanna. They flipped the beauty industry script with personalization. The makeup game used to be exclusive, leaving many skin tones out. But Fenty Beauty stepped in with a spectrum of shades, filling a massive gap, making everyone with a different skin tone feel acknowledged and special by the beauty industry. Their website lets customers find products based on their skin tone and even book virtual consultations. That's like music to millions of ears. Rihanna basically opened doors to a whole new world of inclusive beauty. So, here's the takeaway, let's make it personal this time around.

We're absolutely certain that 2024 is going to bring a whirlwind of even more insightful and engaging trends that will catch the world off guard!

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