Key Considerations Unique to Roundabout Construction

Key Considerations Unique to Roundabout Construction

Understanding technical challenges related to roundabout construction is vital to ensure that a project is successful and delivered to the public on time, on budget, and with no claims. Through our experience providing construction management and inspection services on roundabout projects, managing these challenges requires establishing a partnering approach with all project stakeholders well in advance of construction to minimize public inconvenience.

We’re exploring some of these challenges, along with tangible solutions we implemented while providing Construction Management services for the City of Rocklin on the Rocklin Road and Pacific Street Roundabout:

Schedule Management

Time is money on every project, and engaging with the contractor on day one is important to complete the project on time or ahead of schedule, within budget, and with as little inconvenience to the public as possible. An inaccurate baseline schedule and incomplete monthly updates could mask inefficiencies that could impact multiple phases of the project, ultimately delaying milestone deliveries and creating frustration for community members.

Public Outreach

Providing timely and accurate information to the public must be done to maintain public support and accountability for your project. Partnering with all stakeholders and prioritizing public relations by developing a public outreach plan can help identify the tools required to ensure that the public remains informed during construction. Not effectively communicating with stakeholders may cause a negative image of the project and public agency.

The Rocklin Road at Pacific Street Roundabout was in the old downtown area of Rocklin and immediately adjacent to several businesses. The project was scheduled to begin shortly after many statewide shelter-in-place COVID-19 orders were lifted. Minimizing further impacts on the businesses was of utmost importance. Our team conducted a virtual public project information meeting in advance of starting construction on the project. We then met individually with each business owner within the vicinity of the project to inform the owner of the project's impacts and gather information specific to each business. 

Preparing the traveling public for changes in driving behavior due to a newly installed roundabout should be addressed in the public outreach plan by detailing the advantages of roundabouts including improved traffic flow and the reduction of severe collisions. Public outreach should also focus on how roundabouts operate to eliminate driver confusion and resistance. The project team should also consider the drivers’ mindset and habits during the pre-existing conditions. The approach to modifying driver behavior during construction may be different if the existing intersection was signalized, had an all-way stop, or an uncontrolled mainline with stop-controlled side streets.

Rocklin Road & Pacific Street Roundabout | City of Rocklin, CA

Traffic Management

Before constructing a roundabout, and throughout multiple phases during construction, any traffic control or details that apply to the existing roadway or intersection must remain in place until they are no longer relevant. Community engagement, sufficient stop/yield signage, adequate lighting, and pavement markings are needed to prepare for and minimize impacts on all users throughout all stages of construction.

The previous intersection at Rocklin Road and Pacific Street experienced heavy traffic. During pre-construction activities, our team coordinated with the City, community residents, business owners, and local agencies to identify alternatives to allow vehicle access through the intersection during all phases of construction. This helped reduce vehicle congestion in the area while enhancing vehicle and pedestrian safety throughout construction.

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