Join Mela and her family at Race for the Kids this October

Join Mela and her family at Race for the Kids this October

Meet Mela and her mum Paula. Here, Paula takes us through Mela's GOSH story and why their family takes part in #RBCRaceForTheKids every year. 

"Our beautiful daughter Mela was born with Apert syndrome. It's a genetic disorder affecting how the bones develop in the skull, face, hands and feet. From the day Mela arrived at @greatormondst, we knew she was in good care, the staff were incredible. Over the past 11 years, she's had over 20 surgeries. Her most recent surgery was in May this year. It was called ‘red frame’ and took eight hours. The frame was removed ten weeks later. She spent 11 days in Koala Ward with seven days in the high dependency unit (HDU).

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It was undoubtedly one of the toughest weeks we have ever experienced. It’s never easy watching her fall asleep under general anaesthetic. Every time she’s had to have a procedure, it’s been very intense and emotional for our family.

Mela is one of the bravest girls I know and we are all inspired by her resilience and determination. Her bravery is beyond what I can imagine. I am completely inspired by her!

We take part in RBC Race for the Kids every year. With Mela under the care of so many specialists at GOSH, we want to do what we can to give back to the hospital. For us, it’s about being grateful for Mela, that she’s here. We want our friends and family to know why GOSH is so special to us and to raise awareness of the hospital. It’s the least we can do." 

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Change lives at GOSH by joining Mela and her family at Race for the Kids on the 16th and 17th October. Sign up via this link:  

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#RBCRaceForTheKids #ApertSyndrome #GOSHStories @RBC 

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