Introducing: Vanderbilt Health DNA, a podcast

Introducing: Vanderbilt Health DNA, a podcast

Introducing—Vanderbilt Health DNA. It’s a podcast series crafted to explore the ideas, theories and philosophies shaping the next era of health, medicine and society.

Health is compulsory to the smooth working of the infrastructure that underpins society. It should hum below the surface, a network that functions with the reliability of a light switch. We’re living—right now, today—what happens when the health grid breaks down. It’s crippling and it’s scary. Yet, it doesn’t have to be like that. 

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DNA is 10 episodes covering the future as it mixes in basic digital convenience, telehealth, egalitarianism, the makeup of what lifestyle and genetic attributes that make us individuals, and equity ( more). 

It explores the unknowns about the brain, what that means for understanding who we are—and why it matters. We delve into unconscious bias and why it’s vital to put cracks into the lenses we wear to be better humans and to be a more successful / inclusive / welcoming place to live, work and exist. 

Subscribe here on your favorite platform.

It’s the excitement of health policy, nimble tech, and why recognizing and combatting imposter syndrome gives everyone’s voice greater clarity and power. 

It’s candid, not subtle. It’s energetic, not reserved. It’s for the Nerd Herd I’ve had the privilege of assembling over the course of my career plus anyone and everyone who dreams visions of tomorrow.

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DNA launched Aug. 11 after more than a year of brainstorming, interviewing, recording, scripting, with a small, capable team: Hope Buckner, Rebecca Warren, Clark Buckner

I’ve lived and breathed how to make an ‘audio ideas magazine’ crave-able. It’s a direct line into passion and expertise that will spark creativity and connect dots. 

This isn’t the peak. We just arrived at Base Camp; I invite you to join the trek. #ListenDNA is just getting started. 

As always.... Think Wild.


ps. If you like it, subscribe, rate and tell me about in the comments or using #ListenDNA. I love what I do because I get to learn, think, inform, listen and connect.

Holly Fletcher

Director, Media Equity Emerging Platforms at Vanderbilt University Medical Center


Subscribe get ready for Season 2 #ListenDNA

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Holly Fletcher

Director, Media Equity Emerging Platforms at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

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Holly Fletcher

Director, Media Equity Emerging Platforms at Vanderbilt University Medical Center


Ep5/Shadow Influence: Imposter Syndrome Using new imaging technology, neuroscientists, including Blackford and her team, are exploring the BNST—or bed nucleus of the stria terminalis—which is an area of the brain the size of a sunflower seed and essential to the process behind anxiety. Huge shout out to Drs. Jenni Blackford Sara Horst Maureen Gannon for making this episode fire: spotlighting what happens in the brain with anxiety, how the past can be in conflict with our present, and what happens when people have confidence in their voice. #mentalhealth #anxiety #impostersyndrome #listendna #neuroscience #businessunusual cc/Clark Buckner Hope Cooper Buckner Rebecca Warren

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Holly Fletcher

Director, Media Equity Emerging Platforms at Vanderbilt University Medical Center


Ep4: Being Human: Neurosurgeons on the unknown *this is the episode I giddily tell people about when intro'ing DNA. It sounds weedy and potentially off-putting, but the nexus of science, innovation and philosophy are stunning.* cc/Dario J. Englot, M.D., Ph.D. Vanderbilt Health DNA podcast #brainscience #neuroscience #diversitymatters #ListenDNA

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Holly Fletcher

Director, Media Equity Emerging Platforms at Vanderbilt University Medical Center


Ep3/The Lenses We Wear: Unconscious Bias Arie L. Nettles sat down for this interview several months before unconscious bias rocketed to the forefront as millions of Americans started to wonder about what latent biases tint their perception of society and people as protests for Black Lives Matter marched on streets across the nation and the COVID-19 pandemic put longstanding health disparities on stark display.  Listen in on a candid discussion with Kyla Terhune and Nancy Brown about #unconsciousbias, diversity, rethinking hiring and networking strategies ... and what's happening in the brain when we let rote thoughts go unchecked. #ListenDNA #businessunusual Subscribe ( rate the podcast!)

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