HyperChargers and the grid

HyperChargers and the grid

One of the most frequent questions we get about HyperCharging is if the grid can actually sustain such massive energy outputs from single sites. In this article I will try to clarify the technology and why it is actually beneficial to the grid.

HyperChargers can withdraw anything from 600kW to more than more than 3MW in large charging stations. As we have always clarified, HyperChargers are for highway/freeway charging and not for domestic use, and are intended to hook up directly to medium or high tension power lines.

In most areas globally, the grid has excess capacity - which means that it can easily handle fluctuations in power demand - as will be the case with HyperChargers. This works also on the inverse scenario, when renewable energy plants insert power in the grid. Most utility scale renewable energy plants, specifically wind and solar, have power outputs that go in the the multi-MW region. Their supply is not predictable, and the grids have adjusted to make for these demands. As such, most grids on a global level are ready to receive HyperChargers.

HyperChargers in fact are beneficial to the grid. As electric cars are becoming more popular, power supply in urban areas can become very unstable. A modern EV charger can draw power equivalent to that used by 3 to 5 houses - and if multiple chargers are present in the neighborhood, the local power grid might overload resulting in power cuts. Consider that in many parts of the USA a neighborhood circuit caters for 5 to 10 houses at a time, assuming that each house uses a peak of 2kW simultaneously. Some domestic EV chargers can withdraw 20kW on their own. I think you get the picture.

What we are doing with HyperCharger is that by providing a way to charge your EVs extremely rapidly and away from neighborhood power lines, the energy load is shifted to the medium and high-tension lines, which have enough excess capacity to cover the load. Though we still believe that domestic chargers will abound and will be for many a comfortable alternative, HyperCharging will help reduce the load from the neighborhood grid and as such help in a more stable power distribution.

Charles, so you replace one combustion vehicle with another. You utilize a low efficiency generation process and then use an engine limited by the Carnot Cycle. A complicated engine to replace a simple electric motor.

charles alvin scott

Lead Innovator - Hypuljet Ltd UK


Johnaton, My intention is that HyPulJet.2.0 Hydrogen-Oxygen Pulse Jet Multi-phase Multi-rotor Rotary engine will be that hydrogen generation system. If I can produce a H2 EV which you simply top the tank up with water and drive from Lands End to John O;Groates and return maybe with a top up of water and fuel for the engine is produced from that tank of water. What is the importance of waiting for an efficient hydrogen generating system to make use of renewable energy. when the engine will have a drive to power a dedicated generator to provide electricity to produce its own fuel. Best Regards Al

charles alvin scott

Lead Innovator - Hypuljet Ltd UK


Hi Johnaton, You miss the point which I am making, An Electric Vehicle with Hydrogen and Oxygen fuel produced on board the vehicle does not need a very expensive Hydrogen fuel supply network. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric vehicles, can have home based hydrogen production and filling systems, there is very little need for fuel stations that was the case with petrol and diesel. Lets look at Plug in into the mains or Grid in the UK with the closure of FF Power Stations the unspoken plan is to move to Fracked gas hence the push by this government. The issues surrounding Methane are really hitting home in the US at this moment so what is going to provide energy in the not too distant future. If as I believe that HyPulJet will produce its own fuel supply then Houses could be Off-grid with onsite generation by HyPulJet. Since taking a house off-grid will stop 5-6 Tonnes of CO2 per year, it is far more important than an electric car which stops less than 1 Tonne per year. I hope that there will be many more systems and vehicles which are developed from new innovation if we are to save the atmosphere for future generations. Best Regards Al Scott

Fred Beach, Ph.D.

Director, Energy & Earth Resources Graduate Program, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin


Very interesting. Are you looking to co-locate with Highway Truck Stops and other existing conventional highway fueling infrastructure?

charles alvin scott

Lead Innovator - Hypuljet Ltd UK


This gets somewhere out of kilter, build major Hyper chargers at service stations and then when they are all in place by 2020 start closing fossil fuel power stations. The UK is already importing electricity and will need more in future unless they support and fund the development of new innovation, get rid of the rules which stifles innovation in favour of the Utilities. It is perfectly clear that these companies have like me known about the Climate Change Juggernaut heading our way and they have sat on their profit making and would continue to do so and stuff everyone, should these people continue to be protected from competition NO. Sorry Johnaton, as you know I do not agree with you on electric plug ins which use the Grid and cause emissions at FF power stations that make Petrol exhaust appear low emissions. These companies and Government should NOT have been trying to stifle change whilst trying to have the Hydrogen economy following the same mega profits business plan. Generation and hydrogen production is lower cost for numerous reasons the nearer to the point of use that electricity generation and hydrogen production takes place. This is clearly the case if On demand or On Board the vehicle Hydrogen production could be engineered/developed. Is it possible I thing so and in fact if the funding becomes available I intend to prove it. I only hope that along with the likes of Derek Foxcroft there are others out there who refuse to acknowledge that certain rules set in place many years ago cannot be worked around. I have said many times on these pages, if the world is to survive then we need about 50 self contained new method new processing, people should Stop saying it cannot be done because that was their training and try some way out thinking and joining it up, it might work. I agree with John N continue with hybrids such as the Volt which does away with mechanical transmission. But especially were charging is by RE and good enough to complete 90% of journeys and aggregate out to very low-emissions. Best Regards Al Scott


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