HS2 News for North West, now for HS3

HS2 News for North West, now for HS3

The Government has today announced the preferred route for HS2 from Crewe to Manchester. In the announcement from Transport Secretary Chris Grayling today, he lauded the benefits of the controversial infrastructure project which included:

·        significantly increasing capacity on our congested railways for both passengers and freight

·        improving connections between the biggest cities and regions

·        generating jobs, skills and economic growth

·        helping build an economy that works for all

It is interesting to note that in Chris Grayling’s statement to Parliament today, he doesn’t praise the reduction in journey times as a benefit at all. The Government have clearly learnt that travel times are simply not a good enough reason to spend over £55 billion pounds, knock down peoples’ homes and rip up large swathes of the countryside.

That said, the political leaders of Greater Manchester have welcomed today’s announcement:

Sir Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council and GMCA Lead for Economic Strategy, said: “Today’s announcement is welcome confirmation that Greater Manchester will play a key role in HS2, and become a hub for rail improvements that will help support a sound economic future for the whole of the north through Northern Powerhouse Rail.”

Greater Manchester Mayor Tony Lloyd said; “The confirmation of HS2’s route to Greater Manchester is a major milestone and will be welcomed by people across our region. It is now vital that HS2 becomes a reality as soon as possible… Our plans for growth linked to HS2 can now start to become a reality, delivering real benefits for the people of Greater Manchester.” 

However, at a number of events Newington North West have attended in Manchester and beyond, the mood is that HS2 is not needed and a high speed rail link connecting the northern cities West to East connecting Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, and Hull – better known as HS3.

A growing consensus is saying that by building better connections across the North, the economic benefit will be far greater than building one to London. Greater Manchester Mayoral Candidate, Andy Burnham, at the launch of his campaign said that the biggest infrastructure priority in the UK should be HS3 and although Sir Richard Leese sees HS2 as crucial he said in August, “in the long term, to maximise its impact we need major investment in improved east-west transport infrastructure, including the so-called HS3”

So although the news on HS2 is welcomed, more is wanted and needed. Like Oliver Twist, the north has returned to the top table and asked the Transport Secretary, “please sir, I want some more.”

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