How to Lead a (talent) Quest

How to Lead a (talent) Quest

A.I. promises to be the great disrupter to recruitment and whether we’re bags packed, ready or not, we’re all going for the ride. Soon, we’ll need to venture beyond ‘improvement’ and ‘efficiency’ and lead a quest to a brand new place - one that we’ve never been to before. Will you lead? Will you follow? Will you stamp your feet firmly into the sand and wave us farewell?

Relax. Dr Jason Fox has already done the heavy lifting (read: slow and considered thinking) for you.

How to Lead a Quest

Defaults—established ways of doing things—are an important element of any business. We need them. They save us a heap of time, and make us much more efficient.

But lo! Most organisations have now become Cursed with Efficiency. We’re all so busy, and so what happens is... more of the same-same default thinking. We seek quick fixes and familiar solutions that tick the right boxes and save us time, incrementally innovating without realising that these very things may be leading us closer toward irrelevance.

To venture beyond the default, we must augment our existing strategy by leading quests—so that we may pioneer new ways, and stay the path toward enduring relevance.

Huzzah. Tremble, new world! We will soon be equipped to handle you!

Secure your seat to #ATC2018 and a pioneering future here.

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