How global tech companies are profiting through remote hiring

How global tech companies are profiting through remote hiring

More than 30% of companies are now inclined to hire top tech talents remotely. This shift to remote hiring is the result of talent crunch, market saturation, revenue losses due to traditional hiring and delayed on boarding process (due to on-site reluctance).

Businesses are now more than happy to accommodate remote culture, as this gives them the opportunity to acquire the talents from the most untapped markets of the industry. Furthermore, with the accelerated dynamism of remote work, it is predicted that by 2025, 70% of the workforce will consist of remote employees.

This article aims to shed light on the key benefits of remote hiring, understanding the need of this dynamism of process, and tips on how to hire the right fit...

Top 5 Reasons To Hire Remote Tech Talent

Below are 5 top reasons why more than 30% of companies are choosing to recruit top tech talents over traditional hiring.

1. Vast talent pool

When you hire remote developers and other tech talents, it allows you to access a large pool of talent. Hiring managers no longer have to limit themselves to only candidates in a particular geographic area.

2. Reduce hiring time

According to Glassdoor data, high-quality talent stays up to only a mere 10 days in the job market! On one hand, this results in traditional hiring facing a problem of talent crunch or talent saturation, whereas remote hiring benefits companies in saving their recruitment cost, reducing hiring time, and finding the right fit, as it opens up more possibilities for recruiters!

3. Boost productivity

A study by Stanford of 16,000 employees over 9 months found that working remotely increases productivity by 13%. Adding to this, hiring remote employees can help companies generate better revenue than a team working from the office.

4. Cost-effective process

According to Harvard Business Review, experts found that companies have saved over $1,900 per employee through remote hiring. Additionally, if you take help from platforms like Uplers, you could save 40% on your recruitment cost and get to access tech talent with 100 high-demand skills.

5. Increase employee retention

95% of companies that hire remote talent claim that their employee retention rates have stayed high. Moreover, hiring remote talent from Uplers benefits you with a 2X employee retention rate.

3 Effective Tips On Hiring A Remote Tech Talent

Follow these 3 tips to leverage the best out of the above-mentioned benefits of remote hiring:

  • First and foremost, invest well in the upfront work, such as interview guides and tools, to increase the chances of attracting the maximum number of candidates. 
  • Second, foster better transparency with remote talent from the start. This strategy helps candidates know about the company's mission, vision, and team collaboration.
  • Third, provide as much information as possible in a structural manner before the interview. Consider posting a FAQs landing page to your website that addresses your hiring process, the rounds of interviews you will host, what is expected of your application, etc. It will save you time in answering a question related to the company.

How Uplers Can Help You Ace Remote Hiring?

Uplers has created a new wave of hiring top tech talent by helping global companies hire a strong talent pool from India. With a talent pool of 50,000 talent, Uplers has successfully boasted expertise-based services to international clients. 

However, more than 10,000 talents apply every month, but only 3.5% make it to the Uplers network, which ensures you get the full-vetted talent for your project. 

Here is how Uplers vets its talent-

Step 1- Profile Screening & Shortlisting

Review tons of applications based on minimum criteria, their professional journey, and holistic background checks.

Step 2- Check language proficiency

The AI assessment test is used to check a candidate's reading, writing, pronunciation, clarity, fluency, and speed of speech. Only 37.4% could pass the test, bringing Uplers one step closer to top tech talents. 

Step 3- Aptitude Evaluation

The Aptitude Evaluation checks candidates' reasoning and problem-solving ability, further zeroing in on the best tech talents! Only 25.6% of candidates could qualify for the test.

Step 4- Technical Assessment

This advanced assessment test filters the top 10% of talents based on their technical knowledge.

Step 5- Panel Interview

Talent Acquisition experts conduct the final video interview to understand candidates' preferences and expectations, where only the top 3.5% would make it to crack the vetting process. 

Thus, the Uplers vetting process is what makes it the best! 

If you are looking for 

  • 2X employee retention, 
  • Hire from the 100 high-in-demand tech skills talent, and 
  • Save up to 40% on recruitment cost without compromising on the quality,

Read this article for better clarity on how remote companies are profiting by 40% through remote hiring

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