Harnessing the Power of Your Voice

Harnessing the Power of Your Voice

People making their voices heard is key to ensuring democracies will thrive. Without the empowerment of people, democracy will simply not function the way it is meant to.

What if you had the opportunity to share your views on a public platform via a free app that amplifies your voice and gives you a chance to reach the right people?

Imagine if you could be a part of an online community that takes care of your real-life community. Do you have issues that you feel strongly about today? Then, post your voice message on the app which converts it to text, making it easier for people to hear or read about your views. Other people in your county will see the issues that they have raised in The Voicee app and, if they believe in the same cause that you do, then you can work on solutions to address problems.

You may be wondering about how it all works? So, let us give you an example.

Imagine you live in a high-risk area for violence and believe that the people living in your area are not adequately protected. You could air your views on The Voicee, collect data to validate your statement, get public opinion on your side, suggest improvement measures, and approach the right authorities to bring about needed change.

'The Voicee' is an online platform that wants to build a community of empowered citizens. It allows people to participate actively by engaging on issues of importance to them. This ultimately creates a feeling of community and belonging. Additionally, you can have an immediate impact on your local community by focusing solely on your county, thereby capturing the attention of local supporters.

We believe that when the voices of the ordinary are heard, a country’s democracy can produce extraordinary results. When advocating for better policies, Luis Farias, one of our board advisors, reminds people that “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”

If there is no platform for concerned citizens to speak up and bring about change, then this reflects poorly on the entire system. With the power of social media showing us what we can do with a smartphone and the internet, there could not be a greater time for our citizens to be more aware of their rights.

Because awareness and engagement are the foundational blocks to a better functioning society, people must be aware of the huge impact their voice can have in strengthening democracy.

So, having the right platform to make noise is pivotal. You want to spend your resources on creating content that will be viewed by people who are interested in the community you live in. The Voicee wants people to start a conversation. It serves as a bridge to others and turns conversations into opportunities for creating a government more responsive to our needs.

Think about it, if there is a lot of interest generated on a given topic, public officials are compelled to act. The pressure the public, the media, and other stakeholders create to address issues works. If not for the noise generated by all of you, the government is less likely to take steps to address problems.

Working with like-minded citizens who want to make their world a better place by checking updates on The Voicee app gives you real power to bring about change. Remember, there is no problem that cannot be solved if people gather together and work towards it. So, grab your phone and make your voice heard today!

Let us use our voice to strengthen democracy and build a better world for our future generations.

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It sounds like an interesting app Anirban Biswas, PMP®. Thanks for sharing Luis R. Farias.

Anirban Biswas

Author | Mentor | Empowering Careers & Delivering Global Technology Solutions


Luis R. Farias & Bob Sager - Thank you for all your support!

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