The Game of Jobs

The Game of Jobs

You can win the Game of Jobs

(No not that Jobs. Regular jobs, like…jobs that pay the bills)

Job seeking is painful, expensive and affects every facet of your life. It’s a game of chance, in which the odds are stacked against the players. A game of chance, in which the likelihood of winning the job is minuscule. Lets call it the Game of Jobs. No one enjoys this long, stressful game, but everyone has to suffer through it. Why ?

Twenty years ago, technology opened up the floodgates by enabling people to apply to corporate job listings via the internet. As a way to deal with this deluge of applications, many screening technologies were put in place to keep people out. These technologies are deployed today in almost all corporations. They routinely screen out skilled, qualified people along with unqualified people, exemplifying the idiom “throwing the baby out with the bathwater”. Corporate hiring practices are opaque, adversarial and, in some cases, outright hostile to people, which lowers their chances for success. Like I said, it’s a game no one enjoys playing.

We can all sense that we’ve reached a destructive stalemate in the Game of Jobs. We know that it is damaging millions of lives and hurting our economy. You’ve seen the headlines. 40% of Americans are not working and labor force participation in America is lowest — EVER. 

Lets look at more data

Connecting talent with opportunity in the digital age is a landmark McKinsey Report by James Manyika, Susan Lund, Kelsey Robinson, John Valentino, and Richard Dobbs. 

It begins:

“Labor markets around the world have not kept pace with rapid shifts in the global economy, and their inefficiencies take a heavy toll.” Millions of people can’t find work, yet sectors from technology to health care cannot find people to fill open positions. Many who do work feel overqualified or underutilized” And further…
“As online talent platforms grow in scale, they will become faster and more effective clearinghouses that can inject new momentum and transparency into job markets while drawing in new participants. Our supply-side analysis shows that online talent platforms could add $2.7 trillion, or 2.0 percent, to global GDP by 2025, while increasing employment by 72 million full-time-equivalent positions” And…

Up to 540 million people could benefit from online talent platforms by 2025. As many as 230 million could find new jobs more quickly

...reducing the duration of unemployment, while 200 million who are inactive or employed part time could gain additional hours through freelance platforms. As many as 60 million people could find work that more closely suits their skills or preferences, while an additional 50 million could shift from informal to formal employment.” 

The self-evident truth, is corporations cannot find people with the right skills to do the work that powers our economy. And people cannot find jobs that match their skills and preferences. They are ships that pass in the night. We know we can’t sustain this.

So we decided to do something about it.

The way out of this stalemate is an adaptive response: relentless, self-serving advocacy of an informed, empowered people, so that they may win at this “Game of Jobs”. Avrio empowers people to advocate for themselves. Over the past year, we’ve worked very hard to build the world’s most personalized, most comprehensive, intelligent job coaching platform.

Yes, that’s a tall claim. But we will show you.

Avrio promises to revolutionize people’s job search experience by becoming a trusted ally. We work for you, the people, caught up in this game, not for corporations.

Just for you.

We score your resume and tell you how likely it is that you’ll pass through corporate screening systems. Most people know they are being screened out but are not sure how to adapt. If you get a low score, and therefore a low chance of getting through, we will help you improve your score. With you. We re-stack the deck for you.

Our handcrafted experience is purposefully designed to help you win the Game of Jobs . We match you to the right jobs based on your skills and preferences and customize your resume in minutes to give you a strong chance of getting that interview.

We’ll give you personalized coaching for interviews, networking, and prepare you for every eventuality with the right content within the context of your own career journey. For the first time, technology is being leveraged to advocate for you.

The 20th century British Philosopher, Bertrand Russell once wrote “Humanity would prefer any direction to no direction”.

In this directionless labor market, we know that the only people who succeed in getting jobs are the ones that relentlessly advocate for themselves and the ones that get really good at winning this “Game of Jobs”.

We have a direction. A human direction.

Come, work.

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