The Five Stages of Tyranny – Part Four

The Five Stages of Tyranny – Part Four

Given the current turmoil that we are seeing on the Political front, I thought that it would be good to review the Five Stages of Tyranny. This six year-old work has been borrowed from It’s Author is Tim Denton, who I highly recommend.

NOTE: From his writings, I conclude that he is a staunch Republican, who disapproved of both President Barrack Obama and of Speaker Nancy Pelosi. His original work was meant to be a criticism of the Democratic administration and their representation of government for us all. It's it interesting that the words of criticize for the Obama Administration, and are totally applicable to the incoming Republican President Donald J. Trump?

Tim states it more clearly than I. The Five Stages of Tyranny are:

Step I: “Us and Them”

Step II: “Obey”

Step III: Do Them Harm

Step IV: Stand By (Apathy)

Step V: Exterminate


Again, thanks to the work of the we will explore each of these components daily, until we thoroughly vet the Five Stages of Tyranny.

 Step IV: Stand By (Apathy)

“Standing by” can be described as the psychological effect where some people will resist the authority, but the other half would be apathetic and not want to become involved. Take for example the townspeople near German concentration camps, where they smelled the sickly-sweet smell of death and saw the smoke from the incinerators and did nothing about it. Once the regime has oppressed decent, it is easy to implement their evil plans. 

In the United States of Apathy,   Ethan Indigo Smith States that ““Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty five percent would rather die than think.” ~ Thomas Edison ~”

That is certainly true in parts of the United States today! The fact that it is pervasive amongst the less educated, less informed, simpler populations of our country is telling! (Wait a minute, who were the Trump voters?).

Again Ethan states: “The theory is that 85% of people are lost. The 85% are easily misled and manipulated and die without knowing who they really are. The 10% are the exploiters of the poor and lost, the 85%. The 10% are responsible for and benefit from societal manipulation. And then there are the 5%  – those  who attempt to do the right thing and free the minds of the 85%  from life under the thumb of the 10%.”

Well, “When Government turns against the people, rebellion becomes a responsibility”. We must be very careful of what is done in our name!  If it comes to a fight, our only plausible road may be the election and impeachment processes!


“As you can see where it would not be hard for an administration that has all the executive, legislative and judicial (activist judges) branches under their control could implement these steps in a short time. We all have to become aware of these steps so that we can resist tyranny and allow freedom to return to our beloved nation.”

Of course, that is exactly where we are today. If we bore the “Mantle of Watchfulness” six years ago, we are today, in a much more vulnerable place today!


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