The First

It has been a week of lasts. The last time to use LinkedIn Recruiter. The last sigh at the elevator for being slow again. The last "Huomenta!" to the receptionists. The last Wednesday meatballs for lunch. The last day at Academic Work Finland. For now at least.

The thrill on one Wednesday morning in April 2015 was something I had never experienced before. The first day of my first "real" job. There was so much new to learn and figure out, a lot to adapt to and a lot of new people to meet. Perfect! I had somewhat similar feelings in February 2017 when I took over the IT Talent Sourcer's role after Heini headed to the well-deserved maternity leave. It was a unique combination of homecoming and new beginning. And I loved it.

CLICHÈ WARNING: Lasts require firsts, in order to get the thrill of new beginnings, one has to be ready to also experience the endings.

After working as a Consultant Manager Assistant for one and a half years, it was time to let go of the community that had taught me so much about sharing energy, showing heart and beating yesterday. In August 2016, I jumped to a plane and flew to Singapore. During the last days back then, I realized how lucky I was: I was sad to leave work. I was sad to say goodbye to the colleagues who had become friends, sad because I knew I would never experience the same. Even if I was to come back (which we now know I did), I would never be in the exactly same circumstances. Whoever says that letting go is not at least a bit bittersweet is lying.

So here we are, another round of lasts at Academic Work for me. I've always liked new beginnings and the thrill that comes from jumping to the unknown. This other side, though, has never been a strength of mine. But because I want to see opportunities instead of challenges, I decided to concentrate on the firsts that always follow the lasts. So, welcome to my first LinkedIn article!

With the group pictures that will remain for now my first and last as part of the gang, I'd like to thank everyone who made these three years so very AWesome.

Candidates, consultants, clients, and most importantly my dear colleagues: KIITOS!

Awards 2018: Growth on so many levels. Picture by Fred Karlsson

Laura Christie

Leader & Mother of 2 - Managing Director at Academic Work


Mahtava kirjoitus! Kiitos Anni ja huikeasti tsemppiä seuraaviin ”ekoihin”, ja toivottavasti törmätään jossain vielä :)

Kiitos Anni huikeasta energiasta ja suuresta innokkuudesta työhön!

Anna Alppinen

Recruitment Professional | Talent Acquisition & Leadership


Ihana teksti, kiitos Anni näistä vuosista AW:lla! <3

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