To Deal with Difficult Employees

To Deal with Difficult Employees

"Nearly every Manager" have experienced the tough nuts of dealing with difficult people. Let's see the 7 types of tools. Where an effective manager do's first when confronted by a difficult manager.

"Sometimes Those who challenge you the most, Teach you the most"
  1. Listening Skills: Each and every individual have the skills and talents of listening, few utilize to it best. "Yes, I am irritated it seems hopeless" because we have decided what we think about the employee, so we just turn our interest and attention to and focus on self-protection. But best Managers get attentive when someone's not doing well. They use the power of listening. Even in some cases, it is just solved by listening to the situation.
  2. Give clear behaviour feedback: Understanding the motive is very important. You the manager have to things first the concern and areas, where the employee has to improvise the needful. Well, Yes it is one of the tough jobs to give hard feedback. but following the steps can lead to the place where you want to reach. Approach the employee with the concerned area, be specific.
  3. Documents: Managers fails at this point. They have a problem with the employee but do have any documents in writing. The easy way to achieve is to keep the records alive and fresh until the issue or problem is address and solved. Write to each and every point.
"Remember the to-do list but dont forget to-be list" 
-Richard Branson

4. Be Consistent: Keeping a track record is a must. Be consistent with your feedback and points follow up "Remember you need documents". Let the employee know that I am serious about your performance.

5. If things don't change, Put consequences: Let the track, review, follow up and documents talk on this stage. The employee should know the consequences if he/she fails to achieve the desired role/objective. Show the Danger Sign.

6. Manage your self-talk: Good managers take a fair witness stance, making sure that what they say to themselves about the situation is as accurate as possible. "His behaviour is creating real problems for the team. I’m doing what I can to support him to change. If he does, great, and if he doesn’t, I’ll do what I’ve said I’ll do.”

7. Be Courageous: Firing someone is the hardest thing a manager has to do. If it gets to that point, do it right. Don’t make excuses, don’t put it off, don’t make someone else do it. The best managers do tough things impeccably. People will talk, you should have not fired him/her. But if you as a manager don't do it, maybe in future you could be fired due to the poisonous employee.

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