Connected to the chain #22 | Dr. Florian Dotzler

Connected to the chain #22 | Dr. Florian Dotzler

Dr. Florian Dotzler, 40, is the Head of Supply Chain Management Alternating Current. In his downtime, he enjoys running in nature, which he finds invigorates his creativity and offers new perspectives.

His family, particularly his energetic three-year-old daughter, is his top priority. Balancing work and family life, Florian cherishes afternoons with his wife and daughter. Together, they share a love for South Tyrol and northern Italy, relishing its stunning landscapes, Mediterranean cuisine, and rich culture. Passionate about giving back, Florian serves as a board member for Waldorfkindergarten Bayreuth e.V., overseeing commercial management.

What keeps you energized in your job?

I thrive on the variety of tasks, which include both new challenges and routine activities. The creative freedom and constant opportunities for self-improvement are particularly motivating. I believe in working towards something beneficial for both current and future generations. Meeting diverse people with unique strengths and experiences is another source of inspiration.

What does your typical day look like and what excites you about your position?

My day is intense and varied, primarily focused on large transformation projects such as our SCM transformation program that we ran the last years and decarbonizing supply chain management. Another key aspect is managing the costs of the energy transition, making them transparent and understandable for stakeholders like the BMWK, the Chancellery, or ENTSO-E. As the Head of Supply Chain Management for Large Projects Onshore, my role involves building awareness that reducing CO2 emissions will be more cost-effective in the long term. The excitement comes from championing new initiatives and driving innovative projects that align economic and environmental goals.

What is the biggest difference from your previous job?

Starting in IT and transitioning to Purchasing was a significant shift. Initially, IT was more of a service provider for Procurement, but this change allowed me to move directly to the customer side, procuring goods and services. This closer alignment with TenneT's core business was thrilling, offering constant new challenges and perspectives. The excitement lies in exploring new territories and growing through these experiences.

How do you balance working from home versus the office?

I start my day by taking my daughter to daycare, then spend the morning at the office meeting colleagues and networking. In the afternoon, I switch to working from home to be with my daughter. It's crucial that everyone finds their own balance with this flexibility.

How can SCM help achieve the goals of the energy transition, and what do you see as the biggest challenges in the coming years?

SCM plays a critical role in the energy transition by ensuring resource availability for long-term projects in an increasingly fragile world. It's essential to procure resources timely, in the right quality, and at affordable conditions. This will be a challenge for the next 10-15 years. Another crucial aspect is focusing on environmental friendliness and corporate social responsibility. Achieving the energy transition is a generational task, requiring cooperation with other transmission system operators. SCM can significantly contribute by understanding and greening our supply chains with our partners.

What do we need for our organization in the future?

Agility and resilience are crucial for our future. We need to react quickly and adapt to market and environmental changes. Processes and structures must be flexible to handle mega-events in the future.

How do we become more agile and resilient?

Implementing our SCM transformation program has already shown its value during the pandemic and geopolitical crises. Moving forward, we need a deeper understanding of costs and price fluctuations to build better control competencies. Understanding our carbon footprint and supply chains is also essential for developing effective sourcing strategies. The future buyer will be more of a generalist, adept at handling dynamic conditions.

What message do you want to pass on to other colleagues at TenneT?

I encourage my colleagues to continually change their perspectives and seek new challenges. Embrace new opportunities, maintain curiosity and courage. TenneT offers many opportunities – we should seize them from the start. Personally, I've had six roles in twelve years, highlighting the value of embracing the many opportunities available to us.

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Guenther Endres

Consultant, Trainer, Coach "Partner des Wandels"


Dear Florian, let me add a personal observation: I never saw you disencouraged and down for a longer period - you remind me a bit of Obelix who has fallen into the magic drink :-) Hope you stay in such a good state and may encourage others to find out the magic drink for themselves and manage well their state both in office and at home :-)

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