Coming to NSA and My Path to Senior Executive

Coming to NSA and My Path to Senior Executive

I currently lead NSA's efforts to discover and exploit vulnerabilities in software and hardware in support of both cybersecurity and foreign intelligence missions. The work we do is awe-inspiring; some have referred to our team as technical "wizards." We secure our nation's most critical systems by trying to discover vulnerabilities.

It's an incredible job with meaningful work and outcomes every day. I feel grateful and privileged to helm this awesome organization. I love our mission and incredible workforce, who consistently and creatively overcome challenges thrown their way. My job as chief is to support them and provide direction to ensure that we can fulfill our nation's top priorities.

I've now spent over two decades at NSA, and the time has flown by! I spent my first three years in rotations in different offices getting on-the-job training and being exposed to different missions at NSA, all using my background in computer science and cybersecurity. I received a lot of formal classroom training on specific topics to supplement my learning in a cohort with others, several of whom became treasured friends over the years. I then moved jobs within NSA every few years to tackle different types of technical cyber challenges.

Over time, I also grew my responsibilities and leadership skills with each move. I also spent four years working overseas, which was an awesome experience both professionally and for my family. It truly goes by quickly when you enjoy what you do, working with awesome teammates and with a sense of purpose.

How My Asian-American Heritage Influenced My Leadership Values

My grandparents emigrated from China, and my mother was one of four daughters. They were raised to assimilate and fit in to their community, and it was imperative that they all work hard and pursue education and careers in America. These strong family connections and drive to succeed have been a foundational pillar in my life.

My family has witnessed and experienced racism – both subtle and overt – firsthand. These experiences have influenced my leadership values and practices in many ways. I understand feeling judged, minimized and underestimated by how I look. I carry forth my family's immense gratitude for growing up in the United States of America.

My AAPI heritage is a huge part of my self-identity. As I have explored and cherished this aspect of my life, it has made me more conscious and understanding of the variety and spectrum of identities that we all carry with us each day – in and out of work. We should all be able to bring our full selves to work each day. Yet, it can be uncomfortable – and downright difficult – to see the world from other perspectives that vary widely from your own. It takes conscious effort to keep your mind open to continual learning.

These experiences have helped me recognize as a leader how important it is to appreciate different opinions, speak up, and listen to others. Being able to contribute and succeed at NSA has validated my own unique perspective as an Asian-American woman. NSA has valued my contributions, which has helped me find my own voice and built my confidence.

 Support and Community at NSA

NSA has several Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), which offer incredible support to our workforce. In 2020, I became more active with the AAPI Employee Resource Group, and it had a lot to do with the surge of anti-Asian racism in the U.S. At a time when I felt helpless in many aspects of that pandemic period, I knew it was really important for me to demonstrate allyship and help in whatever way that I could. Within the walls of NSA, the AAPI ERG and other leaders throughout the agency have made clear that diversity and inclusion are important for our mission success.

As one of the senior advocates for the AAPI ERG, I provide senior-level support and advocacy for the ERG, building connections across the agency and helping to unstick any barriers to progress. I also provide mentorship to ERG members through one-on-one sessions, promotion and career advice, and being a featured speaker on panels.

I have met many incredible people through our ERGs, which offer a range of activities, from professional mentorship to external outreach, to networking events, to bringing in exceptional speakers. Our ERGs also explore how we can improve inclusivity throughout NSA with both individual small steps and via big institutional changes. I'm inspired and impressed by how our ERG leaders and members put in the work to make our world a better place, every single day.

For me, AAPI Heritage Month is an opportunity to celebrate this community, to be visible as a community, and to recognize the rich and diverse history within this community. I really enjoy taking the time during AAPI Heritage Month to celebrate our history, and I find that I always learn something new along the way.



William Adelman

Retired at Better Village Mobile Computer Services


She may be a wonderful person and extremely capable, um, but can we have a look at her cv please? You realize China has a massive and successful program to infiltrate our intelligence agencies, especially military intelligence. And she is trumpeting her pride in her Chinese heritage. Especially since she's in charge of analyzing vulnerabilities... trust, but TRIPLE verify please. I lost faith in your attention to detail when you missed that whole CyberCommand Logo business.


Sharing diverse stories and being visible is a huge step towards making tomorrow better. Thank you for having the courage to share your story! 💕

Ryan Fisher

Principal Software Engineer at ClearVector


Christen that is fantastic background and great that you shared so much. Thanks for the amazing work you and everyone else does for us!

Angie Gallagher

Happiness Evangelist • Asian American • Denver • Real Estate Investor • Airbnb Owner • LinkedIn Tips for Busy People • Optimist • Network With Intention • Costco Lover


Thanks for sharing her story so we can all better ourselves with this knowledge, National Security Agency


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