Circular Economy explained by young people at the Italian Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival – Rome Edition

Circular Economy explained by young people at the Italian Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival – Rome Edition

Rome, 14 March 2024

The Italian Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival – Rome Edition, was successfully held at the 'Spazio Europa', managed by the Office of the European Parliament in Italy and the Representation in Italy of the European Commission. It was an event to raise awareness and dialogue for young people on the circular bioeconomy. The event saw the participation of about 90 students present in the room, while over 200 students connected online by the FabLabs of the 8 active spaces of Lazio Innova distributed throughout the Lazio region, including Bracciano, Colleferro, Ferentino, Latina, Zagarolo, Rieti, Roma Casilina and Viterbo, testifying to a strong interest and involvement in the topic.


In addition to the intervention of expert partners such as Selenia Marinelli European Project Manager in FVA New Media Research, Flavia Fusconi (APRE), Stefano Gigli (Lazio Innova), Monia Montana, head of the Startupper School Academy Lazio Innova project, Cristian Colasanti di Engine4You, it was extremely encouraging to see the commitment and enthusiasm of the young Ambassadors of the #GenB project in promoting the concepts of the circular bioeconomy. Nicolas, Davide and Alice demonstrated concretely how it is possible to use renewable biological resources in an innovative and sustainable way to address the environmental and socio-economic challenges of our time. Through tangible and inspiring examples, such as the use of urban organic waste, agricultural waste from tomato supply chains and even elephant dung for the production of paper, coffee grounds, hemp and many other precious vegetables for the production of textiles and various materials, they highlighted the potential of natural resources to foster a circular and sustainable bioeconomy. These initiatives not only reduce our environmental impact, but also promote the creation of new economic and job opportunities. Their active participation and involvement in spreading the principles of the bioeconomy among young people is key to inspiring a new generation of leaders who are aware and committed to building a more sustainable and resilient future. The #GenB project, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme, plays a crucial role in providing a platform for education and awareness on circular bioeconomy issues. By working together, both experts and young people, we can drive positive change and build a world where the use of natural resources is driven by sustainability and responsibility towards future generations.


Following were interventions of expert testimonials in the "career talks" session introduced by Mario Bonaccorso director of SPRING - Italian Circular Bioeconomy Cluster, such as Alberto Fragapane, Novamont; Beatrice Mongili, R&D Project Specialist at Biosphere S.r.l; Isabel Albinelli, bioeconomy consultant for FAO and Genb youth ambassador: Dania Nizzoli, Warrant Hub - Tinexta Group technician and expert in project management in the field of facilitated training, offered valuable perspectives on the practical applications of the circular bioeconomy on a global scale, further enriching the discussion with different and complementary perspectives.


Interactive activities, quizzes, escape rooms and the HOOP Project App HOOP Trainers allowed them to explore and understand the value of urban organic waste in the production of bio-based products. In fact, during the interactive session students were able to interact with experts to solve puzzles and experiments in green chemistry and bioeconomy to find the way out towards a more sustainable model of life. Through the HOOP Trainers APP, presented by Giorgio Scavino, representing Anci Lazio for the HOOP Project (funded by the Horizon 2020 program), users can embark on a journey to convert the character called "Doubtp" into "Virtuopp" (Source: Science For Change, 2023). Doubtp symbolizes a city that prescribes a linear pattern of production and consumption: extraction of raw materials to manufacture new products for consumption and disposal in landfills or incineration after use. The App dedicated to raising awareness of the value of urban organic residues for the production of bio-based products can be reached at: In addition, thanks to the @REWARE cooperative, an eco-sustainable IT workshop that recovers electronic waste and reduces environmental impact, at the end of the digital activity each user can use a discount on any product available on the site.

In addition to illustrating the "HOOP Trainers" APP to the students, Giorgio Scavino provided details on the replicable and successful experience conducted by the #MunicipalityofAlbanoLaziale for the improvement of the collection and enhancement of used vegetable oils. Today, thanks to the agreement with #FriggioilService, one of the companies present in Lazio, belonging to the National Consortium for the Collection and Treatment of Exhausted Vegetable and Animal Oils and Fats – CONOE - Consorzio Nazionale Oli vegetali Esausti , the Municipality receives a fee of 40 cents for each kg of used oil collected. This incentive aims to further motivate users to take effective actions that benefit the environment and the community's economy. This good practice, subsequently replicated by the #Municipality of Ciampino, was developed as part of the BIOWASTE Club HOOP Project held in Albano Laziale, periodic meetings where all local stakeholders could meet and dialogue on the bioeconomy and the practices offered by biotechnological innovation.


The aim of the recreational activities was to imagine green and circular cities capable of operating to reduce, recycle, reuse, repair and recover the waste generated.


The Italian Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival – Rome Edition 2024 once again demonstrated the transformative potential of the bioeconomy and the fundamental role of young people in shaping a more sustainable future. ANCI Lazio, together with its partners and collaborators, is committed to continuing to promote initiatives and projects that promote the transition to a circular and environmentally friendly economy.




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