Cherishing the little things = better for you

Cherishing the little things = better for you

It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

I don’t think turning up every day, putting in the hard yards, performing what can be monotonous work at times, is insane; but it is important to have diversity of experience in your life and it is of upmost importance to find what makes you happy and to cherish, as much as possible, the things that bring you joy (whether in a work context or personally). Those things can make a significant difference to your experiences, perceptions and enjoyment of the work you do.

For me, the first part of the year was all about finding what brings me joy. I had thought I needed to find joy in my job, but really, and as cliché as it sounds, my job does not define me, it is but one element of me.

There are many things that bring me joy in life, some of which are obvious, and which are shared by many of us. At the moment, the most joy I get is from:

(1)   Recognising and taking opportunities to have down time.

(2)   Diversifying my work experience, taking up new opportunities as they present and having the courage to step outside my comfort zone – not all opportunities will pay off, but I think I’ll be better for having ‘had a go’.

(3)   Spending the few moments before the sun disappears over the horizon, looking out over my backyard, sometimes watching our resident kangaroo graze, sometimes listening to the kookaburras, but just having a moment to be present and reflect.

We all have bills to pay and pressures are continuing to mount as cost of living bites us all. It can dull the enjoyment you can derive from your work. But it is important, I think, to reflect on what brings you joy so that you can balance those pressures with a bit of happiness and fun, recharging your batteries so you can turn up and do your best every day.

I hope you all find your thing(s) that bring you joy and take the opportunities you get to embrace them and share with others. Never stop smelling the roses :-)

Jennifer Hetherington

Specialist Family Lawyer | Mediator | Parenting Coordinator | Collaborative Lawyer | Registered FDRP


Lovely perspective. Also, I stopped to read your post because the picture is of a hippeastrum - my favourite flowers. I've previously grown them but they are now in my Mum's garden as they grow better in the ground than in pots.

Michelle Markham

Professor at Bond University


Thank you for sharing!


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