Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a problem or not?

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a problem or not?

I have been reading a lot about Artificial Intelligence (AI) over recent weeks and thought I share some thoughts to prompt a discussion on LinkedIn about whether we see AI as a problem or not?

Please comment to share your thoughts as I’d be interested in your views on this topic.


AI has witnessed rapid advancements and an escalating rate of adoption across various industries and sectors.  As its integration expands, it is crucial to assess both the benefits and concerns associated with the increased use of AI.  This article explores the positive impacts of AI, including improved efficiency, enhanced decision-making, and the potential for innovation.  However, it also addresses concerns such as job displacement, bias, privacy and ethical considerations.


AI has a rich history that spans several decades.  The field emerged in the 1950s, driven by the desire to create machines that mimic human intelligence.  Early AI focussed on symbolic reasoning and logic, but progress was limited.  In the 1980s, machine learning gained prominence, enabling computers to learn from data and improve performance over time.  However, AI faced setbacks in the 1990s, known as the “AI Winter”.  The 21st Century brought breakthroughs, including deep learning and big data, propelling AI to new heights.  Today, AI is transforming industries with applications like virtual assistance, autonomous vehicles, and advance analytics, revolutionising the way we live and work.

Today, ChatGPT has an equivalent human IQ of 155 which when compared to Einstein at 160, and the smartest person in the world today with an IQ of between 225-230, its IQ is favourable.  The average IQ in the 1950s when Einstein was alive was around 100 and many people found it difficult to conceptualise Einsteins thinking.  The next generation of ChatGPT which is only a few months away promises a 10x improvement in IQ to circa 1600.    What are the possibilities of a machine with an IQ of 1600?  How are we going to conceptualise ChatGPTs thinking at an IQ of 1600? 

Benefits of AI

1.     Improved efficiency:  AI enables automation of repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up people to focus on more complex and creative endeavours.  This increased efficiency leads to higher productivity, cost reduction, and improved customer experiences.

2.     Enhanced decision-making: AI algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data and extract valuable insights, assisting in making more accurate and informed decisions.  These insights can be utilised in diverse fields such as healthcare, finance, logistics, resulting in better outcomes and optimised resource allocation.

3.     Innovation & creativity: AI has the potential to foster innovation by assisting in the development of new products, services and technologies.  Machine learning algorithms can analyse patterns, identify trends, and generate new ideas, stimulating breakthroughs that would be difficult to achieve through traditional methods.

4.     Personalised experiences: AI-powered recommendation systems and chat bots enable personalised interactions with customers, tailoring products and services to individual preferences.  This customisation not only enhances user satisfaction but also aids businesses in delivering targeted marketing campaigns.

For a good example of how AI is powering the future, I look no further than Wayve.  They are powering the next generation of autonomous vehicles, using AI to enable any vehicle to drive in any location from previously unseen data rather than being taught through rules-based learning.

Concerns of AI

1.     Job displacement: As AI automation progresses, there are concerns about job displacement and potential unemployment.  Routine tasks performed by humans may be automated, leading to a shift in the job market and requiring workers to adapt to new roles that leverage their unique human skills.

2.     Bias and fairness:  AI systems are trained on data, and if the data is biased, it can lead to discriminatory outcomes.  It is crucial to ensure that AI algorithms are developed and trained with diverse and unbiased data to prevent reinforcing societal biases and to promote fairness and equality.

3.     Privacy and security: The escalating use of AI involves the collection and analysis of huge amounts of personal data.  Ensuring the privacy and security of this data is of utmost importance.  Striking a balance between utilising data for AI advancements whilst respecting individual privacy rights remains a challenge that must be addressed.

4.     Ethical considerations: AI poses ethical dilemmas, such as the responsibility for the actions of AI systems, transparency in decision-making processes, and potential unintended consequences.  Ensuring that AI operates ethically and aligns with societal values requires robust governance frameworks and regulation.

Concerns around AI are already being realised.  This article on the BBC provides narrative on how workers are already being replaced by AI.


The escalating use of AI brings numerous benefits, however, it also raises concerns.  To harness the full potential of AI while mitigating its drawbacks, stakeholders must collaborate to establish transparent governance frameworks, promote responsible AI development and deployment, and prioritise ethical considerations.  By addressing these concerns, we can leverage AI’s power to drive progress, while ensuring that it is deployed in a manner that is beneficial and aligned with our values. 

What do you think? Is AI a problem or not? Are there more benefits and concerns? What should be done to mitigate the concerns?

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