Aniverse Bi-Weekly Update 19.9.
Photo credits: Aleksandar Topalovic

Aniverse Bi-Weekly Update 19.9.

New update! In the last 15 days, this is what had happened in the Aniverse:


We analyzed the full data from our pre-clinical study, and the results are astonishing.

After administrating one dose, AgeBiotics had the following influence on the gut microbiome:

- acetate production was increased by up to 122%

- propionate production was boosted by up to 36%

- butyrate production was enhanced by up to 117%

Ammonium production decreased in each donor, suggesting the inhibition of urease-producing bacteria — a positive health marker. We are not stopping there but building on top of these findings and confidently walking towards the new biomedicine of the future, Metabolites-as-Medicine!

2) Blood Age Clock

We partnered with Deep Longevity and added one additional data source to our app: Biomers can now upload blood analysis PDFs from any lab in the world and get their scoring ranging from cardiovascular to different organs. 

This is an extension of the partnership with DeepLongevity since we already have integrated their Psychological Age Clock in our Dynamic Vitality Assessment. 

Besides those two data sources, we have an additional 90 within the app and are adding more so that our VQ can become the ultimate proxy for vitality. 

3) IBS detection

Our ML model can now detect IBS with 85% accuracy! Within two years, we plan to be able to predict, detect, and reverse gut inflammation, even in some cases of IBD. 

The first step is to do it on mild FGID, as IBS, and then scale.  I am proud of our #devteam for bringing us one step closer and grateful to all the clients for supporting our ML models with their (highly protected) data.

4) Ani International 

I am proud of our first international team member - Anđela Martinović, Ph.D.

She obtained her PhD in Food Systems from the University of Milan, where she worked in the field of probiotics. Straight after the academy, Anđela joined the industry by working as a Scientific Analyst for two renowned VC companies. 

We are still hiring: looking for those who are obsessed with the vision of the world where we can fully understand and precisely design our biology!

5) Ani Edu

Although Croatia is not our main market for quite a while, it has a special place in our hearts: it is where we have our production facility, where the first Biomers supported us, and let's be frank - where 70% of our angel investors are coming from. 

However, on average, the citizens of Croatia have the worst metabolic health in the EU. The small deeds we do to change that is to publish international bestsellers that can educate people on simple daily choices that can significantly improve their vitality.  Our latest book, The Glucose Goddess Method from Jessie I., just came from the print house! Kudos to our Chief Science Iva Hlapčić for the beautiful and honest foreword, 

6) Tripping

We were on the road again: we visited one of our partner's regenerative farm in Ireland, Nika Pintar held a speech on the Advances in Biomedical Research in Split (Igor Stagljar, thanks for the innovation and support!), we visited Plexus (great job, Alen Juginović!), and on our way back Infobip Shift (congrats on the new position, Nikola Pavesic !). 

In the next ten days, we will simultaneously present Ani in Gstaad at the Longevity Investors (Iva and myself) and Future Food-Tech London (Nika, Marta Letica, and Hrvoje Čukman ). 

The best start is that we are still just warming up. Stay tuned, and thanks for supporting our #sciencefirst approach!

Alen Juginović, M.D.

Harvard Medical School Sleep Researcher | Keynote Speaker | Co-Founder of Med&X & Plexus Conference with Nobel Laureates | Author of Sleepletter™ - Newsletter About Sleep Medicine | Investor/Advisor


Keep on the great work! 😄

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