The third edition of Algeria Infrastructure - 3eme Salon International des Transports, de la Logistique et de la Mobilité will be held in Algiers (SAFEX) from February 15th to 18th.

This event has become a must for all the local and international entities interested in the ever growing Algerian market of   the Transports and Logistics that are so fondamental for the economic development of the country.

Despite falling oil prices, the Algerian government has reiterated his investment committments through the State Budget while encouraging alternative sources of projects financing through for example the banking system , concessions which are already being used for the extension of Algiers Airport and envisaged for the new transbording port to be build in the area of Tenes wth the participation of foreign investors.

A number of industrial initiatives have been announced for assembly plants for cars, trucks, railways rolling stock (train, metro, tramways) for the next years by French, Italian, Swiss, Chinese, Korean and Turkish groups in partnership with local companies .  Most of these projects forecast a local integration berween 20 and 40% that should give a strong boost the the development of the Algerian Mechanical and Electromechanical Industries and the necessary Logistics infrstructures. 

The Algerian Infrastructure market is ever growing and this event is a must for all the companies (service providers, component producers, general contractors,maintenance specialists ecc) looking for new business opportunities  as it will give them the chance to present their products/services to all the key protagonists that will be present

Dear Hamid, nice to see you again!, you will be there?


Surveyor, Nautical Inspector at ALMARSHIPCO


Thank you for this post Mr OUAR. I would like to ask to Mr AOUATI not to be so pessimistic !!! I understand perfectly his apprehension but I would like to advise him to attend the event. Also I want to inform both of you that very recently the 1st salon des consultants SNAC took place in Algiers, I have been invited to it, and some european consultant (some are franco-algeriens) have participated as well as one jordanian and one italian. You can review this event in the internet.

Amar Aouati

Rail Systems Expert - Engineering & Systems Assurance


Dear Hamid, I would have thought Algerian consultancy service providers established in Europe are not most welcome to attend such events. In good faith. Hope I am wrong. KR

Hamid OUAR

Owner Managing Director at WORDLINK Srl


Thanks to you and hope that your company will take part to the event


many thanks hamid.


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