5 Unspoken Rules of Interviewing You Need to Know

5 Unspoken Rules of Interviewing You Need to Know

Navigating the job interview process can be daunting, but understanding the unspoken rules can make a significant difference in how you present yourself and, ultimately, whether you get the job. These unspoken rules get into the subtle nuances that can set you apart from other candidates. Here are five unspoken rules of interviewing that you should keep in mind.

1. Unspoken Rule: Knowledge is power.

Before walking into an interview, you should know more than just the basics about the company. Dig deep into their history, values, culture, recent news, and industry position. Understanding the company’s goals and challenges allows you to tailor your responses to show how you can add value. This level of preparedness shows interviewers that you are genuinely interested in the company and not just looking for any job.

  • Check Their Online Presence: Review the company’s website, blog, social media, and any recent press releases.

  • Understand Their Products/Services: Be familiar with what they offer and who their competitors are.

  • Know the Key Players: Learn about the leadership team and, if possible, your interviewers.

2. Unspoken Rule: Employers hire people, not just skills.

While your qualifications and experience are crucial, employers are also looking for someone who fits well with their company culture. This means demonstrating that you share their values and can work well within their existing team dynamic.

  • Mirror Their Tone: Pay attention to the tone and style of communication in your interactions and try to mirror it subtly. If they are formal, be formal. If they are casual, be casual.

  • Show Your Personality: Let your personality shine in a way that aligns with the company’s culture. Authenticity can leave a lasting impression.

3. Unspoken Rule: Interviews are a two-way street.

Asking questions is not just about showing interest; it’s also about assessing whether the company is the right fit for you. Insightful questions demonstrate that you have done your homework and are thinking critically about how you can contribute to the organization.

  • Focus on Growth and Challenges: Ask about opportunities for growth, the biggest challenges the team is facing, and how success is measured.

  • Inquire About Culture: Questions about team dynamics, company values, and work-life balance can help you understand the environment you might be joining.

4. Unspoken Rule: The interview isn’t over when you leave the room.

How you follow up after an interview can significantly impact the interviewer’s perception of you. A thoughtful follow-up can reinforce your interest in the position and keep you top of mind.

  • Send a Thank-You Email: Within 24 hours, send a personalized thank-you note to each person you interviewed with. Mention specific points discussed during the interview to show your attentiveness.

  • Reiterate Your Interest: Use the follow-up to reiterate your enthusiasm for the role and why you think you are a great fit.

5. Unspoken Rule: Pay attention to what’s not being said.

Often, the most telling aspects of an interview are the things that aren’t stated. Pay attention to body language, tone of voice, and what the interviewers emphasize or gloss over.

  • Body Language: Note how interviewers react to your responses. Positive reactions can indicate strong alignment, while hesitation might suggest areas of concern.

  • Interview Focus: If interviewers spend a lot of time on certain topics, these areas are likely critical to the role and your potential success in it.

Understanding these unspoken rules can help you navigate the interview process with greater confidence and success. By researching extensively, demonstrating cultural fit, asking insightful questions, following up professionally, and reading between the lines, you position yourself as a thoughtful, engaged, and suitable candidate. Remember, interviews are as much about finding the right fit for you as they are about proving you are the right fit for the employer.

Edward Dooling

CEO @ Vanguard Healthcare Staffing | Board Member, Investor, Real Estate Investor


Great tips for everyone to keep in mind as they go through the interview process


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