3rd Summit of OCT Energy Ministers
3rd Summit of OCT Energy Ministers. Photo credits: OCTA

3rd Summit of OCT Energy Ministers

With the support of the European Commission and for the third consecutive year, the Overseas Countries and Territories Association (OCTA) brought together delegates from the OCTs for the 3rd Summit of OCT Energy Ministers, held in Brussels on 6-7 December 2017. 

Under the slogan “Sustainable Energy Actions, from the Poles to the Tropics” this ministerial event had a thematic focus on Marine Energy, and was an opportunity for OCT delegates to exchange with sustainable energy stakeholders represented at high level. These included the International Renewable Energy Agency, the European Union’s Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) for the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Initiative, DG Energy, DG DEVCO, Ocean Energy Europe, EURELECTRIC’s Network of Experts on Islands’ Energy Systems, the CPMR Islands Commission, and the Smart Islands Initiative. 

The Summit was opened by Hon. Goldray Ewing, Minister for Infrastructure, Housing and Planning of the Turks and Caicos Islands as representative of the OCTA Chair, followed by an opening address by MEP Maurice Ponga and MEP Tonino Picula, as well as words by Mr. Denis Salord, Head of Unit, DG DEVCO. 

The Summit of OCT Energy Ministers is a unique forum, allowing OCT Energy Ministers and delegates to actively participate with EU policy makers, the private sector, and other stakeholders; to exchange experiences, successes and failures, to try to find the most appropriate solutions and actions in support of the transition towards a sustainable energy future in the OCTs.  

At the political level, it is also an opportunity for OCT delegates to come together and provide their input to ongoing policy processes, such as the 11th European Development Fund Thematic programme for OCTs, which has Sustainable Energy and Climate Change (including Climate Risk Reduction) as sub-sectors of concentration. You can find the conclusions of the 3rd Summit of OCT Energy Ministers here.

The OCT Energy Summit is also a unique opportunity to display the potential of OCTs as hubs of innovation and test-beds for sustainable energy technologies, further demonstrating to the general public and policy makers that Sustainable Energy and decarbonization are achievable.

In the age of rapid energy system decentralization, deployment of renewables, smart grids and digitalization, solutions offering answers to island challenges are of relevance to decentralization challenges faced in the European continent.

The characteristics of the OCTs, from permafrost to extremely high corrosion due to high salinity, their high public awareness and receptiveness towards renewable energy solutions, make them excellent test-grounds for pilot innovations; particularly for technologies such as marine energy, energy storage, innovative grid control, and energy management solutions. 

This Summit was also an opportunity to learn about existing and relevant initiatives, worth mentioning here: 

It was an incredible opportunity for me to be able to be part of this Summit, having been engaged by OCTA to provide support with the facilitation and provide input for the Summit’s conclusions. Since working with the OCTs for the first time in 2014, they have taken a corner of my heart, as small gems spread all over the globe, and where so much difference can be achieved with relatively little effort and funds.  

To learn more about the 3rd Summit of OCT Energy Ministers, visit the OCTA page here.

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