3 Simple Strategies to Nurture Leadership Potential in your Best Employees

3 Simple Strategies to Nurture Leadership Potential in your Best Employees

As the saying goes, a truly effective leader should be able to identify and hone the leadership potential to create more future leaders. These 3 simple strategies will help you build your own team of leaders within your organization.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Leading a team or an organization is a challenging role that not everybody is well-suited for. Therefore, it is crucial for leaders to readily recognize, nurture and develop leadership potential in employees much before there is a need. In order to do this, we have identified 3 simple strategies that managers can adopt in order to unleash the leadership abilities of the people they manage: 

1. Allow room for greater accountability and ownership

Accountability and taking ownership are two important skills every leader must have and it's not something that can be learnt overnight. To mold high-performers into future leaders, managers must create situations where employees are able to take full ownership and responsibilities for their actions. For example, employees may be assigned the task of shortlisting candidates for a vacancy in the team. By allowing them to make decisions on their own, you are creating a learning experience that will make them into more confident leaders. 

Also Read: How to Avoid Being a Micromanager

2. Expand their Network

As a leader, you are probably aware of the importance of networking early on in your career. In fact, it is probably your solid network and stakeholder managing skills that has facilitated your success as a leader. Push employees to meet important stakeholders and forge new connections with people across your organization. You can even get the ball rolling by introducing him / her to a few people initially at company events. 

Also Read: 7 Ways Leaders Can Add Value to their Network in less than 30 minutes a day

3. Provide Feedback

Follow up with employees about their leadership experience and ask them about the challenges they are facing. Based on your experience and knowledge, you can provide them insights and advice on becoming better leaders. Just ensure that you keep your feedback specific, timely and constructive to make it more meaningful and useful for your employees. 

Also Read: Why the Sandwich Technique for Feedback Doesn't Work

With these 3 strategies, you will be able to create a learning experience where your employees will be able to unleash their latent leadership abilities. Empower them and help them get a step closer to their career goals by nurturing their leadership potential.

Questions for Reflection

What other steps can managers take to nurture the leadership skills of their employees?

This article, by NKOACH associate Chaitra Kamath, was originally published on my blog. If you liked it, please click the 👍 (LIKE) button below so other people will see this here on LinkedIn. Every bit helps.

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