2003-2015 Engineering Design

2003-2015 Engineering Design

Have we (the engineering fraternity) Taken some steps Backwards in the last 10-12 years?

In 2003 we were creating 3D models as we are these days however
the model was used as the deliverable - Yes thats right in 2003
we were no longer creating Engineering Drawings.

Designers created the 3D model and this was used to do the checking as well.
What? I ask is the purpose these days of creating engineering Drawings?
Technology is such that we can view a model from anywhere in the world - thus
the client can be on the other side of the world to and we can hook up
and walk the client through the building/plant or whatever we are designing whilst discussing the in's and out's of the design intent. We can put notes in the model of things to be addressed and by whom and when they should be addressed.

Yes I remember that's what we called Design reviews. This was going on in 2003
and quite successfully I might add as well.

So I ask you why now in 2015 have we reverted back to the idea that we must create engineering drawings after all they are not required once the workshop drawings have been produced.
Actually they are no longer required at all as the Detailers import the model created by engineering designers. This eliminates the possible errors of Detailers reading drawings and re-creating a model that already exists - an extra opportunity for human error.

Are but we might need them on site you say! - "No we don't" the models of today can be viewed on just about anything including a smart phone, tablet or the computer in the site office yes both the Detail model and the engineering design model.

I'm sure the designers of all this lovely technology we have these days had different plans for their software.
I think there needs to be an education process for Engineering Companies to move up in the world and take hold of whats happening and learn the capabilities of the software's available.

We are all talking about BIM. In fact it actually seems like the engineering BUZZ word however this being said we are not using anywhere near the capabilities of the available software's.

Maybe it's an education problem, maybe it's people too scared to change, I'm not sure. But what I am sure off is that things need to change.

Maybe there should be a drive by the Bentley's and Autodesk's of the world putting more effort into educating Companies as to the value and capabilities of what they have to offer.

Maybe Engineering companies just have to pick up the ball and run with it.

But I do know we were doing this successfully in 2003 why has the Engineering world gone backwards???

Yes Guy's we are now working further behind then we were in 2003.

Wayne Rosa

Wayne Rosa

Structural Drafting/3D Modelling


I am talking about the mining industry in particular, mining is the industry we have been doing the no engineering drawings since 2003ish.

Wayne Rosa

Structural Drafting/3D Modelling


We need fabrication Drawings but they are produced by detailers after importing the model from the engineering compay. There for there is one set not two. The image included was for the sake of having an image nothing more.

Darren Goldsbrough

Supplying project-ready, project-proven MIM AECOsim (OpenBuildings) CAD Build for Mining projects.


Especially when you think about all the different people throughout life of project and beyond, plus I have confidence that everyone has signed the legally binding document. I do agree that with BIM technology we do not need as many drawings but we still need them. Interesting topic, worthy of discussion and looking forward to hearing others opinions.

Darren Goldsbrough

Supplying project-ready, project-proven MIM AECOsim (OpenBuildings) CAD Build for Mining projects.


Ok, you said it, "you can view the model". Looking at the pick you posted I cannot see it's location, installation or fabrication, I see a picture with no proof that it has been engineered or even whether it is actually what has been built "UNLESS" I interrogate individual components of the model. Don't get me wrong I have been 3D modelling for over 30 years and wouldn't do a design any other way BUT I still believe the fastest way to portray the necessary information in the most excepted format is via a drawing.


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