
Industry-leading video annotation tool
Power up your video annotation project through cutting-edge annotation tooling, video classification, and interpolation.

Object tracking and localization
Detect and track the movement and location of objects across consecutive frames in videos with bounding boxes.

Action detection
Recognize and detect actions or activities that can’t be defined with a bounding box, such as rain and traffic.

Pose estimation
Determine the position and orientation of joints and body parts.

Categorize your videos by assigning them with classes based on their contents and characteristics.

Instance segmentation and tracking
Identify instances and track their movements within a video sequence.

Lane detection
Identify and track the lanes of a road in videos.

Autotrack automates part of the annotation process for faster annotations.

Interpolation helps you predict the movement of an instance between two frames.

This product is intended for

  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Head of Machine Learning
  • Director of Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Head of Data Science
  • Machine Learning Researcher


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