
Triple transport insight: With trip, shipment and asset view

Transport operations are a complex interplay of multiple disciplines. Therefore, it is desirable to be able to look at the same operation with different views. Simacan offers a three-part or 3-in-1 transport view for this purpose. Transport operations can thus be viewed at trip level with the Trip List; at shipment level with the Shipment Status or at asset level (trucks, trailers, drivers) with the Transport Asset Status. This makes it easy to view detailed and related information about a trip, shipment or asset. These views show information across multiple trips, vehicles and locations. Clearly marking planned versus actual status.

This product is intended for

  • Transport Planner
  • Transport Specialist
  • Carrier
  • Shipper
  • Customer Service Representative
  • On Premise Manager
  • Transportation Manager
  • Logistics Manager
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • Logistics Specialist


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