
Our world requires transformative solutions to address urgent environmental and social challenges. Recognizing this need, GEP introduces GEP GREEN — a comprehensive software suite designed to measure and advance ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) progress, aligning seamlessly with your enterprise's overarching vision. Capitalizing on the advantages of a unified platform, GEP GREEN effortlessly integrates with GEP SMART and GEP NEXXE, our industry-leading procurement and supply chain management solutions, as well as with external platforms, ensuring end-to-end visibility and effective management of your ESG performance.

This product is intended for

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Inventory Logistics Manager
  • Director of Inventory Management
  • Warehouse Manager
  • Supply Chain Planning Manager
  • Director Supply Chain Planning
  • Director Supply Chain Operations
  • Vice President Supply Chain Operations
  • Global Supply Chain Manager

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