
Legal Electronic Archiving is a Doxee product, AgID certified, dedicated to the preservation of documents in compliance with the highest standards in terms of quality and IT security. The Doxee digital preservation system is fully compliant with EU and Italian regulations, the international standard ISO 14721: 2012 (Open Archival Information System - OAIS) and the technical rules on the preservation system, implementing the Digital Administration Code (CAD). The product complies with the high requirements of logical and physical security and meets business needs, such as the ability to manage high volumes, in high availability and reliability, thanks also to the guarantee of availability and business continuity, protected by SLAs. The product has been developed on the experience and knowledge of the Doxee paperless Competence Center to provide updates.

This product is intended for

  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Chief Investment Officer
  • Chief Product Officer
  • Information Technology Project Manager
  • Knowledge Manager


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