
Design is the most challenging and complex configuration phase in any CCM project. The Design and Authoring module of Doxee Customer Communication Management manages the creation of templates with which to implement all types of communication according to business needs.
Doxee CCM has multiple modules dedicated to template design: Template Designer and Business Designer, Process Designer for designing communication processes and related approval cycles, and a module for on-the-fly editing of existing templates in the Authoring phase.
In the Authoring phase, when creating a document from a previously created template, Doxee CCM provides the Composer and Workplace components, which are essential for fine-tuning content authoring processes and for defining approval flows that involve multiple business users.

This product is intended for

  • Director of Information Technology
  • Information Technology Manager
  • Director of Communications
  • Marketing Communications Project Manager
  • Director of Operations
  • Operations Manager
  • Director of Administration
  • Marketing Executive
  • Marketing Manager
  • Chief Investment Officer

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