
The escalating demand for imaging services underlines the crucial role radiologists play in steering patient care decisions. This growing need calls for additional support to counter challenges such as staff burnout, resource scarcities and mounting workloads.

Advanced clinical AI solutions offer advanced capabilities like automated image analysis to help increase the efficiency of rad

Aidoc offers 16 FDA-cleared (510k) and pending clearance AI solutions developed in-house for medical imaging triage and notification:
✔ M1 large vessel occlusion
✔ Vessel occlusion (MeVO)
✔ Intracranial hemorrhage
✔ Midline shift (pending)
✔ Brain aneurysm
✔ Cervical spine fractures
✔ Pulmonary embolism
✔ Incidental pulmonary embolism
✔ Aortic dissection
✔ Abdominal aortic measurement (pending)
✔ Coronary artery calcification (pending)
✔ Pneumothorax (X-ray)
✔ Abdominal free air
✔ Rib fracture
✔ Vertebral compression fracture
✔ Malpositioned Endotracheal Tubes (ETT)

This product is intended for

  • Radiologist
  • Attending Radiologist
  • Director of Radiology
  • Radiology Manager
  • Radiology Specialist
  • Imaging Director
  • Director of Imaging Services
  • Medical Imaging Director
  • Assistant Director of Radiology


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