Southside Electric Cooperative’s Post

Today, we join NRECA and cooperatives across the country to shine a spotlight on the heroes of electric cooperatives - our dedicated line workers. In the heart of storms or the calm of clear skies, line workers are the backbone of our community, ensuring we have the power we need, when we need it. Their dedication goes beyond the call of duty, working tirelessly, often in the harshest conditions, to light our homes, schools, and businesses. To the line workers of Southside Electric Cooperative: Thank you. Your unwavering commitment, skill, and bravery do not go unnoticed. You climb higher, work harder, and always put the community first, ensuring our safety and comfort. Today, we celebrate you, our everyday heroes, for keeping the power flowing and our cooperative moving forward. Join us in expressing our deepest gratitude to these remarkable individuals. Their efforts light up our communities, today and every day.

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