This is why you need a country specific guidance system and checks and balances. Hey INTERPOL - Jürgen Stock Roraima Ana Andriani Valdecy Urquiza Stephen Kavanagh QPM DL Yaron Gottlieb Major General Dr. Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi - Your systems have now become synonymous to terrorism and a conduit to doing transnational repression. Here is what we (Taxpayers funding the Interpol) #expect you to do, for the #wages we #pay you, this is part of your #job #description, effective #immediately. You must put robust and fool proof corruption proof safeguards in your systems and processes: 1. before providing access to your #systems 2. At the #time of entering #new records or notices 3. Do rigorous Quarterly #reviews of system #access, #data #accuracy and #validity #compliance and #country #specific #risk and reassess their #eligibility 4. Publish #annually the Abuse patterns by each country CC: Sahar Zand Radha Stirling Jane Bradley CC: Ted R. Bromund Michelle Estlund Yuriy L. Nemets Roger Sahota Ben Keith INTERPOL Washington Patrick J. L. - Hashtags- - This guy #JBPardiwala #Jamshed #Pardiwala #CJIPardiwala #JusticePardiwala is corrupt #ImpeachPardiwala he has done #TransNationalRepression via Interpol #Transnational #Repression via Interpol #BlueNotice #RedNotice #InterpolAbuse #InterpolMisuse - Never trust #IndianJudiciary #india #judiciary #judicialcorruption #terrorism #judicialterrorism #supremecourt #supremecourtofindia #highcourt - Time for #InterpolAccountability #CCF #InterpolCCF #CCFInterpol - Lets check #corruption #institutional #tyranny #fail #communication #publicsafety #policing #safety #police #global #institution #FixInterpol #DarkSide of #Interpol #DarkSideofInterpol #publicservice #police #diplomacy #publicsector #governmentjobs #government #job #jobs #LeadershipChange #ValdecyUrquiza #InternationalLawEnforcement #RedNoticeMonitor - Make them accountable #InterpolGA #generalassembly #interpol100 #interpol101 #interpol102 #interpol103 #executivecommittee #jurgenstock #INTERPOLWashington #PoliceDiplomacy - #UnitedNations #UN #UNGA #HumanRights #RuleofLaw #HeadsOfNCBConference #ViennaDeclaration #HumanRightsViolations - #digitalfuture #cybersecurity #AI #emergingtechnologies #multilateralism #SummitOfTheFuture #MultiLateral #GlobalSecurity #UNSC #SecurityCouncil - - #haro #icij #investigative #journalist #journalism #citizenjournalism #citizenjournalist expose #gujarat #mafia
"HOW BRUTAL, UNFRIENDLY, INCOMPETENT OR CORRUPT IS THE POLICE?" The Indian police is not for the common man's help but to satisfy the politicians and rich people. A policeman is seen as a symbol of state power and as an agent of coercion and retribution; and not as a friend and protector of the people. This image was largely a creation of the colonial era, when the police force was used essentially to protect the empire and to suppress all rebellion and dissent. It is not surprising that 50% of the complaints received by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India every year are against police personnel. I repeatedly mentioned, Justice Anand Narain Mullah of Allahabad High court said in the 1950s: “There is not a single lawless group in the whole of the country whose record of crime comes anywhere near the record of that organised unit which is known as the Indian Police Force“. Echoing similar sentiments, Justice Suresh on extrajudicial killings by police "They kill, they decide, and they justify”. Police kills the people even before they can be produced in the court. "THE POLICE THUS BECOMES THE INVESTIGATOR, THE PROSECUTOR & THE JUDGE!" #teacher #legal #law #lawyer #lawenforcement #lawyerlife #litigation #crimeprevention #criminology #advocate #allahabadhighcourt #delhihighcourt #supremecourt #supremecourtofindia #legaladvice #legalprofession #legaleducation #legalknowledge #legalhelp #lawyers #india #constitutionallaw #constitution #constitutionofindia #professional #awareness #aware #people #public #citizen #society #fundamentalrights #employment #development #police #crime #criminal #corruption