That's a wrap on this year's eBay Open and what an event it was! With over 3000 sellers in attendance and streaming online from the eBay Events app, this was officially our biggest Open yet! ⭐️ The energy and excitement throughout the day was fantastic with sellers getting involved in everything the day had to offer! A huge thank you to the 140 eBay staff, volunteers and sponsors who helped bring the event together, our fantastic lineup of speakers both on main-stage and workshops , the Web 3 and shipping product teams in the innovation hub and the team that is always the beating heart of all our sellers events - our marketplace advisors who ran over 200 1:1 appointments! A final special thank you to the team who helped bring the event together Neeti A., Maureen Onyejiaka, Robert Iles, Matt Potter, Tom Murphy and Rachel Ho 💖 #ebayopenuk24
Great work, team! Thanks for all you do for our sellers ❤️