Are you looking for a new role as a manager who will be responsible for the employee experience working across various settings? We are looking for someone to join our high energy people team with a creative mindset as a Workspace Experience Partner! Beavertown is a sociable company that operates across offices, field, hospitality and operational areas. We believe in a sense of togetherness wherever you work in Beavertown, and this role will be a hands in enabling an equal and inclusive workspace experience across co-working space, hybrid and field working. Our workspaces should be comfortable, productive, legislatively compliant on health & Safety, and hygiene standards, managed as a flexible workspace that is inclusive for all co-workers and visitors. 🚀We are looking for someone who shares our company beliefs in being experimental and creative with a thirst for the success of our business. if this describes you, then please do apply using the following link to our recruitment mailbox, including a covering letter on how you demonstrate our beliefs and examples of what you would bring to this role, our team and Beavertown in general. Workspace Experience Partner – Beavertown Brewery
Katrina Corliss sounds like you would be the perfect fit!
Ariel Gunn you would be amazing for this role!
Sounds really fun!
Great opportunity 👀
Lisseth Ramirez
People | Culture | Growth
1yThis is a unique role that will have touchpoint's across all of Beavertown, which is a creative hub of innovation - come and get creative with us!