From the course: Xamarin Essential Training: Create Your First App

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- For step one of our challenge we want to go up to our application, a particular project. We can manage new get packages and then you can search or browse. So I can do Microsoft Extensions http, they give you a very specific name so you can go and find that by its name, check the box and add that package. We come back over here to new get. We'll see that package has indeed been installed and you can see all the dependencies that it has here in terms of some of the other Microsoft extensions libraries for logging, dependency, injection, et cetera. So that's step one. We've added that library or that package and now we could use that in order to use the HTTP client factory, or the things that are in there to manage our access to our api. And the other piece is this product service which I'm in now and this was our first method called Get Products. And I wanted you to add a Get Product Takes an Int id and the…
