From the course: Xamarin Essential Training: Create Your First App

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(upbeat music) - [Instructor] In this challenge, we're going to add that image from the API. So I'm going to add a new element to my vertical stack panel here. Image, say source. I'm going to use that same binding. So the element name is product list. The path is going to be that selected item. And in this case, we'll need a property called image. And then I'll go ahead and close that out and save that. I can go over to my library application to the product and I just need to add a property here. We'll call it string image. And that API has that image property, which is a URL to an image for our products. So we should be all set then to display that image using the image element. Fairly straightforward. Go ahead and run and see what happens. And the reason I'm using image here in the Windows application and didn't and the Android and iOS applications, it's just that we have a lot more real estate and these…
