From the course: Xamarin Essential Training: Create Your First App

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Mobile and desktop development

Mobile and desktop development

- [Instructor] Now let's talk about what development Xamarin looks like and how it differs from the traditional model. Traditionally, if we built mobile applications, we would do so with very specific tools and languages. So if I wanted to build an application for iOS, I would use Apple's tool, Xcode, I would use Apple's programming languages, Objective C and the more modern Swift, and I would then be able to build my iOS application and publish it and put it into Apple Store. But if I wanted to build an Android application too, then I would use a separate Java IDE, I would use a different programming language, Java, although some debate about how different some of these programming languages are. But they are different in terms of, not necessarily syntax, but the way you do things like multi-threading or dealing with calling out to web APIs. The frameworks themselves are often different. And that then would let me create an…
